This class was created by Brainscape user Jackson Rice. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Functuonal View On Education
What is the socialisation functio...,
What did durkheim see education as,
What did parsons argue
16  cards
Marxists Views Of Education
What is the role of education,
What is the role of education,
What is the role of education
15  cards
Feminist View of Education
What do feminist look at,
Achievement by gender historicall...,
Achievement by gender since 1980s...
8  cards
Bourdieu on Education
Educational as cultural reproduction,
Contemporary applications,
Support for bourdieu
4  cards
Parsons on education
Parsons secondary socilisation,
How does education achieve this,
Contemporary applications
4  cards
New right on education
The new right,
How to achieve this,
1988 education reform act
5  cards
Davis and Moore on Education
Role allocation,
How does education achieve this r...,
Contemporary applications
4  cards
In and out of school factors affecting achievement
External factors,
Internal facotrs,
Linguistic differences
7  cards
Material Deprivation
What is material deprivation,
Who suffers,
How does it impact education
6  cards
Cultural Capital
What is cultural capital,
Who has cultural capital,
Parental capitals
7  cards
Social Class and Parental Attitudes
What do sociologists mean by pare...,
What did hyman and sugarman talk ...,
Middle class attitudes
8  cards
Labelling and Social Class
What is labelling,
Who can be labelled,
Becker the ideal pupil
6  cards
Linguistic differences
Who is impacted by linguistic dif...,
Who came up with the language codes,
Elaborated code
8  cards
Ethnicity: Parental support
Trends in ethnicity,
Asian families,
Black families
4  cards
Gender Socialisation
What is gender socialisation,
Gender socialisation impact on ed...,
Evidence of gender socialisation ...
5  cards
Literacy Skills
Differences in literacy skills,
Why do boys and girls have differ...,
How do differences in literacy sk...
5  cards
Feminisation of Education
What is the feminisation of educa...,
Who does feminisation if educatio...,
Who does feminisation if educatio...
6  cards
Peer Group Interactions
What are peer group interactions,
Female peer groups,
Male peer groups
5  cards
Crisis of Masculinity
What is the crisis of masculinity,
How does the crisis of masculinit...,
Evidence to support a crisis of m...
6  cards
Girls Career Aspirations
Why have girls aspirations changed,
Impact of changing aspirations on...,
Evidence of changing aspirations
4  cards
Rise of Feminism
Trends in achievement by gender,
What was the second wave of feminism,
How has second wave feminism infl...
5  cards
Gender and Education Policy
Indirect policies movement toward...,
Indirect polices changes in women...,
Education reform act
6  cards
Gender Identity and Education
How is gender identity formed in ...,
Peer groups,
Teacher pupil interactions
7  cards
Gender Differences In Self Esteem
How does self esteem impact on ed...,
Differences in self esteem betwee...,
Evidence self esteem impact girls...
5  cards
Setting, Streaming and Banding
What are setting streaming and ba...,
Who does setting and streaming ef...,
How do setting and streaming infl...
7  cards
Social class and Anti-school subcultures
What are anti school subcultures,
Why do working class students rebel,
How do anti school subcultures form
5  cards
Institutional Racism in schools
What is institutional racism,
How are schools institutionally r...,
How does this impact of students ...
5  cards
Ethnicity and Subcultures
What is a subculture,
Ethnic subcultures,
Asian girls
6  cards
Ethnocentric Curriculum
What is the ethnocentric curriculum,
2  cards

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