This class was created by Brainscape user Ryan Boland. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

River Environments
What is the water cycle,
Where can water be stored on land,
What is interception
37  cards
Sustainable Management Of Rivers.
Why do rivers flood,
What are the physical causes of f...,
What are the human causes of floo...
17  cards
Coastal Processes And Landforms.
What are the two types of waves,
What are the features of a constr...,
What are the features of a destru...
16  cards
Sustainable Management Of Coasts
Why are coastal defences needed,
Why do coastal areas need managed,
What are the three main types of ...
16  cards
Our Changing Weather And Climate
How does pressure very throughout...,
How does rain and cloud very thro...,
How does temperature very through...
43  cards
The Restless Earth
What are the 4 layers of the earth,
What are the two types of crust w...,
What are the 13 tectonic plates u...
37  cards
What is an advantage of using the...,
What steps are used in the geogra...,
State the aim of the fieldwork pr...
18  cards
Population + Migration
What is crude birth rate,
How do you calculate the crude bi...,
What is the crude death rate
37  cards
Urban Land Use
What is a settlement what are som...,
What are land use zones,
List some examples of land use zones
10  cards
Inner City Issues
What are the 3 main issues with l...,
What are inner city houses like,
What is the community like in inn...
11  cards
What is urban planning,
What are greenfield and brownfiel...,
What happened in the titanic quarter
12  cards
Managing Our Environment
What are some potential impacts o...,
What is climate change,
What is the mechanism that causes...
32  cards
How is development measured,
What indicator determines how ric...,
What are the 3 major categories o...
31  cards

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gcse geography

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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