This class was created by Brainscape user dom jastrzebski. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

America Unit 1
What are the 4 causes of the boom,
Why did industrial strength help ...,
Why did wwi help lead to an econo...
84  cards
America Unit 2
Why did people by stocks and shar...,
Why did share prices begin to fal...,
What happened when prices of shar...
116  cards
America Unit 3
What is the american dream,
What happened in america after wwii,
Why was there an economic boom af...
170  cards
Cold War Unit 1
What was the cold war,
Who were the allies during wwii a...,
Who were the axis during wwii and...
105  cards
Cold War Unit 2
When did china become communist,
Who was the leader when china bec...,
What did the china and the ussr s...
106  cards
Cold War Unit 3
What happened in berlin 1961,
What is the day the berlin wall w...,
Who built the wall
60  cards
Medicine Unit 1
What period of time does this uni...,
What did people believe caused il...,
What were the four humours what e...
45  cards
Medicine Unit 2
What were some common illnesses,
Who treated illnesses,
What were the main treatments off...
95  cards
Medicine Unit 3
What was the germ theory,
Who published and discovered the ...,
When was the germ theory published
73  cards
Medicine Unit 4
What were 2 significant medical d...,
When was the first heart transpla...,
When was the first heart transpla...
86  cards
Normans Unit 1
What is succession,
Now did succession work in 1066,
What were the 4 ways that a succe...
132  cards
Normans Unit 2
What 5 main things did the norman...,
What was the order of the anglo s...,
What was the order of the saxon f...
32  cards
Normans Unit 3
What was the church like before 1066,
Why did william want to reform th...,
Who was lanfranc what did he do
56  cards
Normans Unit 4
What was wales like before 1066,
What was the population of wales ...,
Why was wales politically unstable
34  cards

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gcse history

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