This class was created by Brainscape user Ava Broad. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

UNIT 3 - physical training
37  cards
UNIT 4 - sports psychology
Basic skill
22  cards
Sports psychology retrieval booklet
What are the four continua to know,
What are open skills affected by,
What are conditions in open skill...
20  cards
4th form structure and functions of the cardio-respiratory system
What happens at the nose and mouth,
What happens at the trachea,
What happens at the bronchi
47  cards
4th form aerobic and anaerobic exercise
Describe aerobic exercise,
What type of activity is aerobic ...,
Examples of aerobic sports and ac...
9  cards
4th form EPOC
What does epoc stand for,
What is epoc,
12  cards
4th form the recovery process from vigorous exercise
Name the recovery processes,
Explain the cool down and what li...,
Sporting example of a cool down
12  cards
4th form lever systems
What are lever systems,
What is a lever,
What is a fulcrum
29  cards
4th form planes & axis of movement
What is a plane,
What is an axis,
What are the three planes
19  cards
4th form structure and functions of the musculoskeletal system
Bones of the skeleton,
What are the functions of the ske...,
Exampleof protection of vital organs
92  cards
4th form guidance
What are the four types of guidance,
What is visual guidance,
What are examples of visual guidance
21  cards
4th form types of feedback
What are the types of feedback,
Explain intrinsic feedback,
How is intrinsic feedback applied
22  cards
4th form basic information processing
What is information processing,
What are the components of the in...,
3  cards

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gcse pe

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