This class was created by Brainscape user zara hamilton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

global atmospheric circulation
What factors affect a places climate,
Do places at low latitude near th...,
Do the poles higher latitude have...
14  cards
What is precipitation like at the...,
Precipitation definition,
What is precipitation like at the...
6  cards
surface winds
What is global circulation of win...,
What would happen without wind tr...,
What does cold air do
5  cards
tropical storms
What are tropical storms,
Where are tropical storms usually...,
Tropical storms in the atlantic o...
19  cards
causes of tropical storms
What things are needed for the fo...,
What happens when a storm makes l...,
Formation of a tropical storm
3  cards
how climate change affects tropical storms
How does climate change affect th...,
How does climate change affect th...,
How does climate change affect th...
3  cards
primary and secondary effects of tropical storms
Primary effect definition,
Is people being injured or killed...
6  cards
immediate and long-term responses to tropical storms
What factors affect the effective...,
Examples of immediate responses t...,
What factors affect the effective...
4  cards
Storm Haiyan - Philippines
When was storm haiyan,
Primary effect of storm haiyan,
10  cards
Beast from the East - UK
Extreme weather definition,
When was the beast from the east,
What caused the beast from the east
6  cards
UK extreme weather
Evidence uk weather is becoming m...,
Evidence uk weather isn t becomin...
2  cards
climate change
What is climate change,
Evidence of climate change,
How many cm has average global se...
20  cards
effects of climate change - Kiribati
Location of kiribati,
Likely impacts of climate change ...,
Responses to climate change in ki...
7  cards
How much solid waste does lagos g...,
What is the rate of population gr...,
Estimated gross domestic product ...
92  cards
resource management
Resource definition,
Resource management definiton,
Why is global demand for energy i...
54  cards
global food
Food security,
Food insecurity definition,
What is sustainability
16  cards

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