geography- earth life support systems

This class was created by Brainscape user Megan Price. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

The importance of water
What are the economic uses of water,
What are the importance of water ...,
What are the uses of water for fl...
5  cards
The carbon cycle
What is carbon,
What are 6 carbon exchanges,
What is precipitation
8  cards
Slow and fast carbon cycle
What is the slow carbon cycle,
What is the fast carbon cycle,
What is carbon sequestration
3  cards
What is a system,
Why can the water and carbon cycl...,
What is transpiration
5  cards
Water in the atmosphere
What is humidity,
What is relative humidity,
What two factors affect humidity
8  cards
What is condensation,
What are the four reasons for con...,
What is radiation
7  cards
What are two ways rain froms,
What is ice crystal mechanism,
What is collision and coalescence
4  cards
Lapse rates
What is environmental lapse rate,
What happens to temps as altitude...,
What is adiabatic cooling
5  cards
Key terms
What does advection mean,
What is convection,
10  cards
Link between water and carbon
3  cards
How do humans affect the water and carbon cycle
6  cards
How do humans affect the water and carbon cycle p2
Fossil fuels,
Sequestration of waste carbon
2  cards
Feedback in water and carbon cycle
Positive feedback in water cycle,
Negative feedback in water cycle,
3  cards
carbon sequestration in oveans
What are the two types of pumps,
What is the physical pump,
What is the biological pump
4  cards
Manageing the carbon and water cycels
What are ways to manage the water...,
How does forestry manage water cycle,
How does water allocations help m...
7  cards
Short and long term changes in the cycles
What are the seasonal changes in ...,
What are the diurnal changes in t...,
What are long term changes in bot...
3  cards
Climate change
What are the links between water ...,
Impacts of the carbon cycle on cl...,
What are the impacts of climate c...
5  cards

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geography- earth life support systems

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