geography paper 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Will Hobbs. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

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Decks in this class (19)

Glacial Landforms
What are corries,
What is an arete,
What is a pyramidal peak
14  cards
Glacial Processes
Describe the process of abrasion,
Describe the process of plucking,
Describe freeze thaw weathering
6  cards
Economic Opportunities of Glaciated areas
Why is farming so popular in glac...,
Why is forestry rife in glaciated...,
Why are more quarries being built...
4  cards
Conflicts in Glacial areas
Why can tourism be a bad thing fo...,
Why do water reserves conflict wi...,
Why is quarrying within a glaciat...
3  cards
Causes, Effects & Management of Climate Change
What are some natural causes of c...,
What are some human causes of cli...,
What are the effects of climate c...
4  cards
Formation & Reducing the Effect of Tropical Storms
Where do tropical storms form,
How are tropical storms formed,
How can we warn and help people t...
3  cards
Typhoon Haiyan CS
When was typhoon haiyan,
How powerful was typhoon haiyan,
What was abnormal about typhoon h...
13  cards
Tectonic Plates and Plate Margins
What are tectonic plates,
What is a constructive plate margin,
What is a destructive plate margin
4  cards
Earthquake Chile
When was the chile earthquake,
Where did the earthquake lie on t...,
What were the primary effects of ...
6  cards
Earthquake Nepal
When was the nepal earthquake,
Where did it lie,
What were some primary effects of...
10  cards
Reducing Risk of Tectonic Hazards
How can monitoring help reduce th...,
How can prediction help reduce th...,
How can protection help reduce th...
4  cards
Tropical Rainforests
What are some examples of sustain...,
What are some impacts of deforest...,
What are some characteristics of ...
7  cards
Characteristics of Cold Environments
Explain the characteristics of a ...,
Explain the characteristics of a ...,
How has the bearberry plant adapt...
5  cards
Cold Environments - Svalbard CS
Where is svalbard,
What is the population of svalbard,
Why is mineral extraction an oppo...
14  cards
Fragility and Management of Cold Environments
How can we manage cold environments,
Why are tundra environments so fr...,
What kinds of developments can le...
4  cards
River Processes and Landforms
Describe what hydraulic action is,
What is attrition,
What is abrasion
14  cards
Banbury Floods CS
Which road was raised as a result...,
Was a flood wall built to try hel...,
7  cards
Managing Floods and Factors Increasing Flood Risk
Are wetlands a form of soft or ha...,
Is floodplain zoning a form of so...,
Is river restoration a form of so...
16  cards
Lake District Statistics
How many visitors does the lake d...,
How many of these tourists travel...,
How much money is spent in the la...
5  cards

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geography paper 1

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