This class was created by Brainscape user Poo Poo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Global atmospheric circulation and weather
What is the global circulation sy...,
What is the hadley cell and whats...,
What do surface winds do
20  cards
Why do we have weather extremes
What are tropical storms,
What happens in summer and autumn...,
What is the coriolis effect
11  cards
How do plate tectonics shape our world
What are the two crusts,
What is the earth s structure in ...,
What is the mantle
12  cards
What evidence is there for climate change
How are ice cores from antarctica...,
How are landforms shaped by ice d...,
How are histporical sources an ex...
12  cards
What evidence is there for climate change 2
What is the evidence for current ...,
What is the evidence for current ...,
What is the evidence for current ...
14  cards
What makes a landscape distinctive
What is a landscape,
What is a natural landscape a lan...,
What are the elements to a landscape
16  cards
What influences the landscape of the UK
What is freeze thaw weathering or...,
What is biological weathering cau...,
What is chemical weathering
10  cards
WHy do rainforests matter
What is the climate of tropical r...,
Tropical rainforests biodiversity,
What is the shrub layer
15  cards
Coastal and River landforms
What is a beach,
What do waves transport,
What is a headland and bay
11  cards
Hard engineering and soft engineering
What is hard engineering,
What is soft engineering,
What is the integreated coasal zo...
33  cards
Why are natural ecosytems important
What is an ecosystem,
What processes and interactions a...,
What is a biome
4  cards
Why are tropical rainforests being exploited
What is a reason for subsistence ...,
What are the human impacts in rai...,
How is large scale commercial agr...
12  cards
What will you find in polar environments
What are the climates like at the...,
Flora in arctic,
What are the flora adaptations in...
14  cards
Typhoon Haiyan 2013
Where and when did the typhoon form,
Why did the typhoon form,
What were the primary consequences
7  cards
UK drought in 2012
How was the drought caused,
What were the economic consequences,
What were the environmental conse...
5  cards
Nepal Earthquake April 2015
What were the causes of the earth...,
What was the magnitude of the ear...,
What were the primary consequence...
6  cards
Mitigation of tectonic hazards
How can monitoring be an earthqua...,
How can protection be an earthqua...,
How can prediction be an earthqua...
7  cards
The holderness coast
Where is the holderness coast loc...,
What is flamboiriugh head prone to,
What is the rest of the coastline...
9  cards
The river Tees case study
What type of geomorphic landforms...,
What type of erosion happens at t...,
What geomorphic process are in th...
8  cards
Managing flood risk
What are flood walls,
What are the disadvantages to flo...,
What are the advantages to flood ...
18  cards
Sustainable management of polar environments
What is an example of small scale...,
What is an example of small scale...,
What is an example of global sust...
4  cards
Sustainable rainforest management in Costa rica
What is the location and backgrou...,
What is eco tourism,
What is the popular ecotourism de...
7  cards
Most of paper 1 condensed
What are the factors affecting te...,
What is the albedo effect,
What is precipitation
56  cards
Physics field work
Why was stratford a suitable plac...,
How do you make ur data as reliab...,
What is a type of sampling strategy
3  cards

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geography paper 1

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