This class was created by Brainscape user Ini Kazeem. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (49)

01 - The importance of water and its uses
What is the goldilocks zone,
What are the three main ways that...,
3 uses of water for people
15  cards
02 - The water cycle as a system (stores)
Describe the process of the water...,
Describe the global water cycle,
What are the inputs in the water ...
13  cards
03 - The water cycle as a system (processes and fluxes)
What is the difference between pr...,
What are the processes in the wat...,
Is the water cycle a closed or op...
9  cards
04 - The Water budget graph
What is the water balance
1  cards
05 - Factors affecting the water cycle processes
What is precipitation,
How does mountainous environments...,
What is the impact of high intens...
17  cards
Inputs and Outputs of the Water Cycle
What is the estimated amount of w...,
What are the inputs of water to t...,
What are the two ways moisture le...
8  cards
07 - The Carbon Cycle
Explain how carbon is important t...,
What is the carbon store for bios...,
What is the carbon store for atmo...
18  cards
Slow Carbon Cycle + Fast Carbon Cycle
Slow carbon cycle,
Fast carbpn cycle
2  cards
The Processes of the Water Cycle
What is the water balance equation,
What are the principal flows in t...,
What is precipitation and how doe...
19  cards
Catchment Hydrology + The Processes of the Carbon Cycle
What is evaporation and how does ...,
How does vegetation intercept pre...,
What are the two flowpaths of rai...
57  cards
14 PT 2 - Slow Carbon Cycle
What is the slow carbon cycle flows,
Where does the slow carbon cycle ...,
What happens to the carbon that d...
7  cards
14 - Fast Carbon Cycle
What is the fast carbon cycle,
What is diffusion in the context ...,
What is phytoplankton and how are...
13  cards
06 - Condensation and Cloud Formation
How do clouds form basic,
What is the dew point,
What is released as water condenses
13  cards
09 - Amazon case study
What area does the amazon rainfor...,
What is the length of the amazon ...,
Of all tropical rainforest in the...
6  cards
10 - Amazon Case Study: Water cycle in the Amazon
What are the key inputs in the am...,
What are the key outputs in the a...,
What is precipitation like in the...
3  cards
11 - Amazon Case Study: Physical Factors influencing the Amazon
How does geology impact stores,
Crystalline rockhow does geology ...,
How does geology impact flows
13  cards
12 - Amazon Case Study: Human factors influencing the Amazon
What different human activities h...,
Impact of deforestation on evapot...,
Impact of deforestation on recycl...
6  cards
Amazon Water Cycle
What is the area of the amazon ra...,
In which country is the majority ...,
Apart from brazil in which other ...
23  cards
Human Factors Affecting the Water Cycle
Human activity affecting water cy...,
What is the average rate of defor...,
What proportion of primary forest...
11  cards
13 - Madeira River Drainage Basin Case Study
How big is the madeira river drai...,
How big is the basin compared to ...,
When did the madeira river flood ...
7  cards
14 - Fast and Slow Carbon Cycle Pumps
What are the two pumps that move ...,
Draw a diagram of the fast carbon...,
What is the physical inorganic pump
14  cards
15 Amazon Case Study - Carbon Cycle
What is gpp gross primary product...,
What is npp net primary productivity,
What is the formula for npp
15  cards
16 - Amazon Case Study: Human factors influencing the carbon cycle
How much has the carbon that the ...,
Stat about deforestation effect o...,
How much carbon does each acre of...
6  cards
Strategies to manage the tropical rainforest
What are the three categories of ...,
What is the current coverage of f...,
Provide an example of a reforesta...
17  cards
17 - Physical Factors affecting flows and stores of Carbon
0  cards
18 Amazon Case Study - Management
0  cards
20 - Arctic Case Study: Introduction to the Arctic
What is permafrost,
What two biomes does the tundra l...,
Temperature over the course of a ...
10  cards
21 - Arctic Case Study: the water cycle
Is evaporation faster or slower i...,
Is transpiration faster or slower...,
Is infiltration faster or slower ...
14  cards
22 - Arctic Tundra Case Study: Carbon Cycle
What is the impact of vegetation ...,
What is the impact of vegetation ...,
What is the impact of temperature...
5  cards
23 - Arctic Tundra Case Study - carbon sink or source?
Is the arctic tundra a carbon sin...,
What is the feedback loop caused ...,
What is the impact of forest fire...
6  cards
24 Arctic Tundra Case Study Human Impacts - Water Cycle
Where is the north slope in alaska,
How much co2 and methane does the...,
How do the oil and gas industries...
10  cards
24 Arctic Tundra Case Study Human Impacts - Carbon Cycle
How do the oil and gas industries...,
How does the transfer of carbon o...,
How does the removal of tundra ve...
6  cards
25 - Arctic Tundra Case Study Management Strategies
What are insulated gravel pads an...,
What are buildings and pipelines ...,
What are utilidors and how effect...
8  cards
28 Water Cycle: Short and Long Term Changes
What are inputs outputs stores li...,
What are flows stores like in the...,
Describe the graph of solar radia...
5  cards
30 - Water Cycle Land Use Changes
0  cards
06 Condesation and Cloud Formation
Warm air rises,
Dew point,
The atmosphere
8  cards
Tundra GPT CS Facts
How much carbon is stored in the ...,
What is the npp net primary produ...,
How much has plant productivity i...
21  cards
ELSS Vocab List
Active layer
77  cards
Useful Stat for the Water Cycle
How much water is circulated in t...
1  cards
Inputs and Outputs of the Water Cycle
0  cards
The Processes of the Water Cycle Part 2
0  cards
The Arctic Tundra
What is the extent of the arctic ...,
What is the climatic limit of the...,
What are the climatic conditions ...
20  cards
Dynamic equilibrium and the water carbon cycles
What is dynamic equilibrium,
What are the characteristics of n...,
How do flows and stores maintain ...
20  cards
Water Extraction
How is water extracted to meet pu...,
What happens when there is direct...,
Which area does the river kennet ...
29  cards
Fossil Fuels and the Carbon Cycles
What are the main fossil fuels th...,
Despite the development of nuclea...,
In 2013 what percentage of global...
62  cards
Monitoring changes to the global water and carbon cycles
Hat is the primary method of moni...,
How are satellite data used to an...,
What are the diurnal variations i...
43  cards
Long-Term Changes
What does the climate record over...,
How many major glacial cycles hav...,
What are the characteristics of t...
22  cards
Human Activities cause changes in water and carbon stores
What human activities have caused...,
Where is the human impact on the ...,
What are some consequences of ris...
20  cards
Management Strategies to Protect the Global Carbon Cycle
What are some management strategi...,
What are the different types of w...,
What percentage of the earth s la...
48  cards

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geography - physical

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