geology ii

This class was created by Brainscape user Sadie Cope. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Exam One
What are the three rock types and...,
How are sedimentary rocks formed,
How are metamorphic rocks formed
67  cards
Exam 2- Plate Tectonics
What is continental crust made ou...,
What is oceanic crust made out of,
Which is denser continental or oc...
33  cards
Exam 2- Paleontology and Fossils
The study of ancient life using f...,
Remains or traces of ancient life,
Fossils are related to the atmosp...
24  cards
Exam 2: Evolution and the Definition of Species
What is the biology definition of...,
What is the paleontology definiti...,
Group of similar species
17  cards
Exam 2: Structure and Origins of the Earth
What are the layers of the earth ...,
How was earth presented at the be...,
_____ of the earth is iron where ...
33  cards
Exam 2: Origins of Life and the Early Atmosphere
T or f iron oxides bifs show risi...,
Oxygen levels in the air over tim...,
When oxygen levels rose
47  cards
Exam 3: Part 1
What is the first period of the p...,
When did the phanerozoic eon begin,
The age of complex animals
65  cards
Exam 3: Part Two
At the end of the paleozoic era w...,
What are two reasons the end of t...,
When did the supercontinent pange...
77  cards
Final Exam: Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction
T or f theropod dinosaurs had fea...,
When did the mass extinction that...,
What is the name of the extinctio...
15  cards
Final Exam: The Early Age of Mammals
The mass extinction event that en...,
What era is the age of mammals,
Why did the age of mammals matter...
39  cards
Final Exam: Ancient Climate and the Ice Age World
How did the global climate change...,
How did ocean currents help even ...,
_____ ______ affects how water de...
50  cards
Final Exam: Origins of Humans
A mammal group including monkeys ...,
What 3 features do humans share w...,
What kinds of climates do non hum...
36  cards
Final Exam: The Age of Humans and the "6th Extinction"
What happened to animal species a...,
Humans arrived at most ______ in ...,
What type of species mostly went ...
20  cards

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geology ii

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