german practice 🇨🇭🇩🇪

This class was created by Brainscape user Becky Scott. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Personal pronouns
Accusative having the action done...,
Dative indirect object of the act...,
Reflexivesome verbs dont make sen...
6  cards
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Than eg becky is better than sam,
As eg becky is as fast as sam,
Just as equally
24  cards
Moods and emotions
34  cards
Character traits (die Eigenschaft / Charaktereigenschaften)
Kind niceunkind,
37  cards
Body parts
The body bodies,
The head s,
The torso s
40  cards
Prepositions (Dative, Accusative, Mixed)
26  cards
German conjunctions and conjunction adverbs
Be sure not to confuse these da– words with the da– compounds. The difference is that these adverbs use da– to refer not to a specific object already mentioned in the text, but rather to a more abstract concept, such as a time or logic relationship.
46  cards
Da- Compounds (to use with the pronoun ‘it’)
Da- compounded with a pronoun in order to refer back to something. da- When you want to use the pronoun ‘it’ with prepositions that begin with a consonant, put the prefix da- in front of the preposition to make one word. dar- When you want to say ‘it’ with prepositions which begin with a vowel, you put the prefix dar- in front of the preposition to make it easier to pronounce. You do not use da- when talking about a person. You use a personal pronoun.
18  cards
Dative verbs
To help,
To answer,
To thank
11  cards
B1+ Inlingua (K5, D1 Wichtige Redemittel)
Mastering a foreign language,
Attend do a course,
Look up a word in the dictionary
38  cards
B1+ Inlingua (K1, D1 Wichtige Redemittel)
I work atas,
I get up at 8ami got up at 8am,
I wake up at 8ami woke up at 8am
24  cards
B1+ Inlingua (K2, D1 Wichtige Redemittel)
Examine and treat sick people,
Care and tend to people,
Arrest and interrogate criminals
25  cards
B1+ Inlingua (K3, D1 Wichtige Redemittel)
The bookworm,
The bookworm cannot get by live w...,
Devour borrow give away select ju...
18  cards
B1+ Inlingua (K4, D1 Wichtige Redemittel)
Inexpensive x2 words
17  cards
B1+ Inlingua (K6, D1 Wichtige Redemittel)
Modes of transport,
The company car
25  cards
B1+ Inlingua (K7, D1 Wichtige Redemittel)
I am enthusiastic about skiing,
I am angry at case x 2 options,
I am jealous of my friend re people
22  cards
B1+ Inlingua (K8, D1 Wichtige Redemittel)
You should take time to eatwe tak...,
33  cards
N deklination nom it is the red s...,
N deklination nom it is the new l...,
N deklination nom it is the old b...
13  cards
Weird German words / phrases
18  cards

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german practice 🇨🇭🇩🇪

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