gr 5 - science & technology

This class was created by Brainscape user Thomas Wilson-Garcia. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Energy & Electricity
The cells in a battery have the a...,
Plastic is a good insulator why d...,
General knowledge what is the nam...
20  cards
Topic 10 Stored energy in Fuels
Key word fuel,
Key word stored energy,
Key word input energy
49  cards
Topic 11a Energy & Electricity
What is electricity,
Key words electrochemical cell,
Key words battery
20  cards
Topic 11b Energy & Electricity
Key words generator,
What do we call the source of ele...,
Where do we get our mains electri...
20  cards
Topic 11c Energy & Electricity
Give an example of a low wattage ...,
What is one of the disadvantages ...,
What do nuclear power stations us...
21  cards
Grade 5. Topic 14. Planet Earth
True or false the earth is a plan...,
Can you feel the earth movements ...,
What does the word orbit mean
11  cards
Grade 5. Topic 15. The surface of the earth
What is the name for the hard roc...,
Does the crust of the earth go un...,
What is the earth crust made of
15  cards
Grade 5. Topic 15. Soil types (Tania's cards on Natural science page)
0  cards
Grade 5. Topic 16. Sedimentary rocks
How did sedimentary rock get its ...,
Name 3 different types of sedimen...,
What is shale
18  cards
Grade 5. Topic 17. Fossils
What is a fossil,
What does the word ancient mean,
What does the word preserved mean
15  cards
Grade 5. Topic 17. Importance of South African fossils
What is a fossil record,
What is a fossil site,
What is the name for human fossils
23  cards
Grade 5: Topic 12. Energy & Movement
What is an elastic,
What does the word compress mean,
True or false not all energy is u...
5  cards
Natural Science combined topics Exam worksheet for November
True or falsea reptile is a warm ...,
True or falseyour ears help you b...,
True or falsewhen something has e...
16  cards

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gr 5 - science & technology

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