This class was created by Brainscape user Roy Koloff. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Week 5: Ionian Revolt and Persian Wars
The persian empire occupied __ 4t...,
According to herodotus what did a...,
Cyrus the great first became rule...
59  cards
Week 6: 480 BC Persian Invasion
Why did thessaly and macedon medize,
What polis was the most godless o...,
How does themistokles respond to ...
37  cards
Week 7: End of Persian Wars and Aftermath
In what year was the battle of pl...,
What happened at the battle of pl...,
What was the last sea battle of t...
68  cards
Week 8: Pentakontaetaea
What did pericles law of 451 bc say,
How was pericles law of 451 bc hi...,
What was the only city in boeotia...
79  cards
Week 9: Peloponnesian War Pt. I
What is the name for an older mor...,
What is the name for a young boy ...,
How did eronemos show sexual rest...
65  cards
Week 10: Peloponnesian War Pt. II
Why don t ancient greek historian...,
What art style emerges in athens ...,
High classical art emphasized ___...
83  cards
Week 11: Power Vacuum
What was the leaderboard for the ...,
How did sparta alienate her allies,
Who initiates the war against the...
98  cards
Week 12: Alexander
What weakens persia by the time o...,
Who said conquering persia is to ...,
What does isocrates mean by saying
97  cards
Week 4
True or false spartan women could...,
What did others criticize spartan...,
Who are our sources for early athens
54  cards
Week 3
What was the name of a colonies f...,
True or falsemany oikistes were w...,
What is cyrene s mother city
61  cards
Week 2
Who owned the livestock in mycene...,
What were the mycenean s 2 bigges...,
What does the ulu burun shipwreck...
36  cards
Week 1
What are the 2 types of history,
What was the name for a hired rhe...,
Who was the first to write about ...
20  cards

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