This class was created by Brainscape user Tania Ahmed. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

What is anaemia,
What is considered low haemoglobi...,
What are the general symptoms of ...
37  cards
Hyposplenism/ splenectomy
What is hyposplenism,
What is the role of the spleen,
What are the risk factors for hyp...
6  cards
What is haemochromatosis,
What causes haemochromatosis,
Summarise the epidemiology of hae...
9  cards
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
What is disseminated intravascula...,
In what different forms can dic o...,
What are the causes risk factors ...
9  cards
What is haemophilia,
What causes haemophilia,
What are the risk factors for hae...
9  cards
Myeloproliferative disorder
What is myeloproliferative disorder,
What can cause myeloproliferative...,
What is myelofibrosis
7  cards
What is pancytopenia,
What causes,
What are the risk factors for pan...
8  cards
What is polycythaemia,
In what ways can you classify pol...,
What are some causes of absolute ...
10  cards
Sickle cell disease
What is sickle cell disease,
What causes sickle cell disease,
What factors percipitate sickling
10  cards
Transfusion Reactions
What is meant by transfusion reac...,
What are the different types of t...,
What are some causes of acute rea...
8  cards
What are haemoglobinopathies,
What are the causes risk factors ...,
What are the presenting symptoms ...
6  cards
Varicose veins
What are varicose veins,
Describe the epidemiology of vari...,
What causes varicose veins
10  cards
Patient on anti-coagulant therapy
What are anticoagulants,
What are the most common oral ant...,
What is the most common parentera...
44  cards
Patient on anti-platelet therapy
What are anti platelet drugs,
Give examples of anti platelets,
How does aspirin work
17  cards

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haematology y3

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