haemostasis & thrombosis

This class was created by Brainscape user Rachel Sampson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

What are the 2 systems of haemost...,
What are platelets,
What are clotting factors
21  cards
What is vwf,
Where is vwf stored,
Where is vwf made
23  cards
Platelets and Megakaryocytes
What is the minimal required numb...,
What are 6 characteristics of pla...,
What 2 types of rna is found in p...
24  cards
Nitric Oxide
What cells control vascular tone,
What smooth muscle layer controls...,
What is the role of no
10  cards
Platelet Activation
What is the main platelet receptor,
What does gpib v ix need to bind ...,
What are the 5 molecules that mak...
28  cards
Mechanisms of Inhibiton
What inhibitors do endothelial ce...,
What enzyme degrades adp,
What enzymes synthesize camp cgmp
31  cards
Principles of the coagulation cascade
Define coagulation,
What does fibrin form,
What are the protein conversions ...
28  cards
Mechanisms of Clotting activation
Where is tissue factor localised,
What does tf triggering cause,
What is tf a cofactor of
25  cards
Clotting Inhibition
What 2 things produced tissue fac...,
What complex does tfpi bind to,
What does tfpi binding cause
19  cards
Which two lipids on the plasma me...,
What happens to ps andpe in activ...,
What are 2 activators for platelets
24  cards
What is fibrinolysis dependent on,
What domains does plasminogen hav...,
What 2 things can activate plasmi...
23  cards
Bleeding disorders
What is haemophilia a caused by,
What is haemophilia b caused by,
What are both mutated genes in ha...
19  cards
Disorders of veins
What are 4 veins where venous thr...,
What is postthrombotic syndrome a...,
What are 4 acquired risk factors
27  cards
Disorders of arteries I
Where do arterial thrombotic diso...,
How does the plaque affect the lumen,
What can the plaque lead to
27  cards
Disorders of Arteries II
What are common symptoms of stroke,
Why are their neurological sympto...,
What are vulnerable points for th...
20  cards
Excercise & the CV system
What are 4 demands on the cvs in ...,
How are these demands of exercise...,
How is pulmonary blood flow incre...
27  cards
Exercise and thrombosis
What 2 things increase during exe...,
What increases during exercise in...,
What 3 things increase during exe...
14  cards

More about
haemostasis & thrombosis

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