This class was created by Brainscape user Dan Memet. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

The Tongue
Give the muscle attachments of th...,
Cranial nerve supply,
How would you identify a lesion i...
9  cards
Muscles of Mastication
Name the muscles of mastication a...
1  cards
Describe the tmj and what it cons...,
Describe the joint capsule articu...,
What movement does the joint use ...
10  cards
Cranial Nerves
Give four branches of the vagus n...,
List the main branches of the fac...,
Briefly describe the function or ...
3  cards
Venous Sinus - Brain
Identify three immediate relation...,
State the four air sinuses that c...
2  cards
Muscles of Facial Expression
0  cards
Cranial Nerve Lesions
Describe the anatomical basis of ...,
Clinical effects of bells palsy,
Prognosis of bells complications
6  cards
Vision (optic nerve etc)
Describe the function of the opti...,
Describe the effects of bilateral...,
What can cause bh
4  cards
Triangles of the Neck
Describe the boundaries and conte...,
Describe the posterior triangle,
In the anterior triangle list som...
6  cards
Describe dura mater,
Describe arachnoid mater,
Describe pia mater
3  cards
Bones of The Orbit and Canals
Name six of the bones which make ...,
State which structures pass throu...
2  cards
General - Neck/Ear/Nose
List the layers of the scalp,
Which bones form the pterion,
Describe the two different parts ...
6  cards
Lymphatics of head and neck
Describe the superficial and deep...,
Describe the occipital mastoid an...,
Describe the submental submandibu...
5  cards
Muscles of the eye
List the extra ocular muscles of ...,
List the extra ocular muscles of ...,
List the extra ocular muscles of ...
4  cards

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head and neck

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Head and Neck Anatomy
  • 46 decks
  • 1248 flashcards
  • 128 learners
Decks: Cranial Nerve Names, Joints, Embryology Of Brain, And more!
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