heart and lungs

This class was created by Brainscape user Danny Young. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Pathogenesis of angina is,
How does an atheroma lead to an mi,
How does an atheroma form
23  cards
Definition of an nstemi,
Definition of a stemi,
Definition of unstable angina
47  cards
Heart Block
How long is a normal qrs in seconds,
How long can a normal qt interval be,
What normally causes a heart block
14  cards
AF management-see chegg for more
Af reduces co by how what proport...,
What is the definition of af,
First three things to do if acute...
13  cards
Cardiac Arrest
What are the four types of cardia...,
What are the characteristics of vf,
Vt characteristics are
14  cards
Heart Failure
What percentage of patients dies ...,
Prevalence in general population is,
Prevalence in the elderly
30  cards
Management Of Acute HF
Step 2,
Step 3,
Step 4
11  cards
Management Of Chronic HF
What are the three aims of treatment,
What drugs are used,
What do you do if patient has int...
8  cards
Who does it normally affect,
What is the pathogenesis,
Causes of pericarditis
7  cards
Constrictive Pericarditis
Name 3 infective causes of constr...,
Name 3 other possible causes,
What is the most common cause in ...
10  cards
Whilst most recover what may occur,
Name the classifications of cause...,
What are the viral causes
12  cards
What percentage of people with hy...,
Name 4 factors that would predisp...,
What percentage of the adult popu...
23  cards
Infective Endicarditis
What causes infective endocarditis,
Which bacteria is usually respons...
13  cards
Give an example of pre renal,
What is aki,
Bloods include what
10  cards
If one sided it is,
If both sided
10  cards
Diseases Of The Aorta
Where do aas usually occur,
Aortic aneurism is
2  cards
Aortic Dissection
Presentation of type a,
Type b presentation,
What is a type a ad
3  cards
What can cause pneumothorax,
What are the classifications of p...,
What is a primary spontaneous pne...
23  cards
What is asthma characterised by,
What are the 3 factors contributi...,
What often triggers asthma other ...
26  cards
What is the key difference betwee...,
What is the fev1 fvc in patients ...,
Copd is graded in it s severity b...
30  cards
Pneumonia CAP
Pneumonia is classified into one ...,
Cap is the leading cause of what,
Which groups are most susceptible...
23  cards
Pneumonia HAP
If it occurs within 4 5 days of a...,
What factors predispose an indivi...,
When should hap be considered
6  cards
Cystic Fibrosis
What is cystic fibrosis,
What does the cftr protein normal...
10  cards
Physiology Of Respiration
What makes up the lrt,
What is the name of the area of t...,
Sympathetic nerves have what affe...
34  cards
Approximately what percentage of ...,
Travel to which countries would r...,
What is the causative bacteria
27  cards
What is it,
Where can the bronchi are affected,
What can cause bronchiecstasies
9  cards
Lung Cancer
Smoking is responsible for what p...,
What other risk factors,
Where can a bronchial carcinoma o...
26  cards
What other rarer causes can occur,
Name 5 risk factors for pe,
Symptoms of pe
26  cards

More about
heart and lungs

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