higher geo - sqa level

This class was created by Brainscape user education is effort .. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

physical Envi - Glaciation
The three processes of abrasion,
Freeze thaw weathering
17  cards
Pysical Env - Coastal features
Describe a destructive wave,
Describe a constructive wave,
What is the swash and back swash
15  cards
Hydrological cycle
Key processes of the water cycle ...,
What is precipitation,
Surface storage
16  cards
Human Envi - mumbai/Edin
Three factors you deem to be the ...,
A strategy to,
Why are urban areas experiencing ...
8  cards
hydrographs - for rivers
What is peak discharge,
What is rising climb,
What is lag time
10  cards
Human Envi - population
What are three questions is the u...,
Ways to gather accurate populatio...,
Why is it difficult to collect a ...
11  cards
GAS 20 mark question - at end of paper two
How many marks do physical factor...,
Relief and best way to answer it,
Drainage and best way to answer it
14  cards
Global issues - Climate change
Physical causes of climate change,
Effects of climate change,
Responses to climate change 4
4  cards
Physical Envi - soil
Explain the main conditions and p...,
Gley soils have how many horizons,
Podzols have how many horizons
7  cards
Human Env - land degradation
Human causes of climate change wi...,
Describe strategies used to manag...,
The place studies
4  cards
Cholera - Global issues
For a water related disease you h...,
What are the effects of cholera o...,
Name primary healthcare stratagie...
3  cards
Physical Envi - atmosphere
What are the factors that prove d...,
Explain how the earth receives so...,
Explain rossy waves and what they do
5  cards
Global issues - development between countries
Explain why using only one develo...,
For developing countries how can ...,
Account for the differences in le...
3  cards

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higher geo - sqa level

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