This class was created by Brainscape user Liza Angelica Solas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Structure Guides
Explain structure,
How fully structure,
Evaluate the usefulness structure...
4  cards
Push and Pull Factors for Internal migration
Why did the highland clearances f...,
Who did the highland clearances a...,
Why did the collapse of the kelp ...
16  cards
Push and Pull Factors for Emigration
Why did people move to america,
Why did the decline in the handlo...,
Why did people move to america an...
9  cards
The Experience of Immigrants in Scotland
Why were catholic irish and prote...,
How did catholic irish people ass...,
Why did the church of scotland ma...
15  cards
The Impact of Scots emigrants on the Empire
How did john a macdonald influenc...,
How did scots have an effect on p...,
How did scots influence the educa...
14  cards
The Effects of Migration and Empire on Scotland
How did the empire benefit shipbu...,
How did the empire encourage the ...,
How did the empire provide jobs a...
9  cards
Issue 1 Essay : Reasons for Growth in Tensions in Ireland
Historical context 1,
Historical context 2,
What are the factors
20  cards
Issue 2 Essay : Impact of WW1 on Ireland
Historical context 1,
Historical context 2,
What are the factors
15  cards
Issue 3 Essay : Obstacles to Peace up to Anglo-Irish Treaty
Historical context 1,
Historical context 1,
What are the factors
18  cards
Issue 4 Essay : Reasons for the Outbreak for the Irish Civil War
Historical context 1,
Historical context 2,
What are the factors
18  cards
Issue 5 Essay : Reasons for Hitler's rise to power
Historical context pt 1,
Historical context pt 2,
What are the factors
19  cards
Issue 6 Essay : Reason for Hitler's Maintenance of Power
Historical context,
Historical context 2,
18  cards
Issue 1 Germany: Growth of Nationalism
What are the factors,
Cultural factors knowledge,
Cultural factor analysis
19  cards
Issue 3 Germany: Obstacles to Unification
What are the factors
1  cards
Role of john redmond evaluation,
Impact of easter rising evaluation,
Irish attitudes to british rule e...
4  cards

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higher history

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