This class was created by Brainscape user Leo Bealby. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

GCSE USA Booklet 1
How many cars were there by 1929,
How many radios by 1929,
How much per day were ford s work...
38  cards
GCSE USA Booklet 2
the new deals and WW2
38  cards
GCSE USA Booklet 3
What policy did jfk announce in _...,
What was the name of the plan set...,
Which race riots took place in __...
29  cards
GCSE Korean Conflict
When did korea become a protector...,
Who did the koreans fight on the ...,
What declaration made korea indep...
39  cards
GCSE Vietnam
What group did ho chi minh form t...,
How much money did the us provide...,
What was the name of the battle l...
46  cards
GCSE Medicine Booklet 1
What percentage of chidren in med...,
How did medieval people try to cu...,
Name a 10th century medical text
33  cards
GCSE Medicine Booklet 2
What was the name of the book pub...,
Which of galens ideas were proved...,
What was the effect of the work o...
23  cards
GCSE Medicine Booklet 3
What was the population size in _...,
What was louis pasteur the first ...,
What was pasteur s nickname
26  cards
GCSE Medicine Booklet 4
How did fleming discover penicill...,
Who developed the work of fleming,
Who did florey and chain first ex...
29  cards
GCSE Normans Booklet 1
How many housecarls were there in...,
What was the population of britai...,
Which group of nobles advised ang...
34  cards
GCSE Normans Booklet 2
What percentage of land did king ...,
What was one condition of being a...,
By 1076 there were how many earls...
26  cards
GCSE Normans Booklet 3
What is celibacy the monks did this,
Why were monks celibate,
What is simony
16  cards

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