This class was created by Brainscape user angelina bora. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

america 1919-1948
What is laissez faire,
What does rugged individualism mean,
What were the republican policies
79  cards
1.1 the treaty of versailles and internationalism
When was the paris peace conferen...,
What is internationalism,
What is nationalism
29  cards
1.2 the impact of depression on int. relations
What were the four factors that w...,
How did the 1920s depression chan...,
What is protectionism and which c...
17  cards
1.3 failure of the league of nations, appeasement and the war
Who invaded abyssinia and why,
What was phase 1 of the league de...,
What was the stresa pact and when...
26  cards
appeasement interpretations
Interpretation 1 popular majority...,
Context for popular majority view 1,
Impact of popular majority view 2
22  cards
2.1 causes of the cold war (1945-50)
What are the ideals of a capitali...,
What are the ideals of a communis...,
When did the cold war take place
30  cards
2.2 cold war crises and confrontations (1961-)
Why did the war in korea take place,
When did stalin die and who took ...,
Why was there an increased nuclea...
8  cards
2.3 cold war interpretations
Interpretation 1 the us orthodox ...,
Was the interpretation that the s...,
What is the context for interpret...
18  cards
migration practice questions
Explain why so many irish familie...,
Explain the impact on britain of ...,
Explain why william paterson prop...
6  cards
1.1) the norman conquest
What is migration,
What is immigration,
What is emigration
17  cards
1.2) jews in the middle ages
What is anti semitism,
Why were jewish people first invi...,
Where did the jewish people in th...
15  cards
1.3) england's immigrants in the middle ages
What is an alien,
What was the letter of denization,
What was the aliens tax register ...
20  cards
2.1) european immigration to britain
What was the reformation,
Who were the puritans,
Who were the jesuits
22  cards
2.2) african tudors in england (1500-1603)
Where in tudor england did some a...,
Who was john blanke,
Who were the moors
5  cards
2.3) early years of enslavement and empire (1560-1730)
What is the rac,
What were chattel slaves,
What is a monopoly
14  cards
3.1) black britain and the road to emancipation (1730 - 1833)
What did those brought to england...,
How did chattel slavery and the t...,
What do we know about africans in...
21  cards
3.2) asian arrivals
Who are merchant seamen lascars a...,
What happened to the lascars when...,
What did the 1814 regulations sta...
14  cards
3.3) migrant communities in the 19th century industrial age
When was the industrial revolution,
Why was england not a tolerant pl...,
Why did most irish migrants begin...
35  cards
4.1) (1900-19) first world war, race riots and immigration control
Why were immigration controls in,
What was the 1905 aliens act,
How did people respond to the 190...
18  cards
4.2 (1925-48) refugees from nazism and WW2
What was the colour bar,
What did fascists believe in,
Who was oswald mosley and which p...
26  cards
4.3) (1948 - c2010) post-war commonwealth immigration
What was the 1948 british nationa...,
Why was there a labour shortage,
What was the empire windrush and ...
40  cards
4.4) (1985-c2010) immigration as a political issue
When did britain join the eec,
What did eu membership mean,
Why did people support the free m...
34  cards
5.1) ireland c1688-1730
How was ireland ruled after the war,
Why did english monarchs set up p...,
Why did most irish catholics supp...
19  cards
5.2) scotland c1688 - 1730
Reasons for scots to support jame...
28  cards
5.3) emigration 1688-c1730
What were the main reasons for em...,
How many english irish and scotti...,
How was banishment a reason for e...
8  cards
6.1) the atlantic trade
Chattel enslavement,
40  cards
6.2) the asian trade
When how and why was the eic founded,
What was the structure of the eic,
What did the eic s monopoly of en...
15  cards
6.3) the british economy
How did rich people in britain ac...,
How did the accumulation of wealt...,
How did the government achieve we...
22  cards
7.1) the impact of the growing empire on britain
How did slavery and the empire be...,
What are some examples of slave p...,
How were coffee houses significan...
14  cards
urban environments - spitalfields
When did the second wave of hugue...,
Why did the huguenots come to the uk,
How were the huguenots welcomed b...
22  cards

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