This class was created by Brainscape user myrah iqbal. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

major powers in europe
What were the 5 powerful countrie...,
What 3 countries were ruled with ...,
What country was ruled with republic
25  cards
The triple aliance,
Define alliance,
The triple entente
14  cards
MAIN Causes
What were the 4 main causes of ww1,
Define short term causes,
Define long term causes
18  cards
7  cards
battle of somme
When did russia mobilise its army...,
When was the battle of somme,
Where did the battle take place
6  cards
Haigs interperatation
Haigs full name,
What was haig s nickname,
When did he become the commander ...
6  cards
Define trench warfare,
No man s land,
8  cards
soliders of empire
Solides of empire,
How much soliders from every cont...,
How much soldiers were lost from ...
7  cards
ww1 outcome=
Define armistice,
Define reperations,
Define abdicate
9  cards
treaty of versailes=
Where did the treaty take place,
Treaty ofd versailes date,
Treaty of versailes
6  cards
how ww1 started?
Summary of how ww1 started,
When was the french revolution,
When did austria and hungary unite
11  cards
ideologies- 20th century
Why did several new political ide...,
When was the bolshevik revolution
6  cards
long and short term causes of ww2
Middle term causes,
Short term causes,
Long term causes
3  cards
Russian revolution,
Tsar forced to abdicate,
Treaty of brest litosvk
16  cards
Rise of facism in,
Define facism,
Italian culture
8  cards
When did nazism grow,
Where did the ideology come from,
Where did the ideology come from
32  cards
democracy in uk-great reform act-1832
Hindenburg line,
First law that began to give righ...,
Why was it done and important
8  cards
cold war:
When did the cold war start cold,
Berlin wall 1961,
Bay of pigs invasion 1961
5  cards
Define holocaust,
Blood libel
8  cards
ghettos and final solution- ww2:
Conditions of the ghettos,
Nazi death squad
12  cards
end of holocaust:
Death marches,
Liberation date,
Define liberation
4  cards
Why most ppl didnt resist the nazis,
Eg of resistance
7  cards
remembrance of holocaust;
Memorial day,
Holocaust trusts
4  cards
how nazis able to implement final solution:
2 main reasons,
Wannsee conference,
3  cards
developments in democracy:secret ballot act-1872- and corruption act-1883
Secret ballot act,
Corruption act
2  cards
Define democracy,
Reasons why people protested in t...
2  cards

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