history elizabethan

This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Southern. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Elizabeth Section 1 - Inheritance
What family was elizabeth a membe...,
Who are elizabeth s family,
Why did people think elizabeth ha...
5  cards
Elizabeth Section 1 - Religious divisions
What religion,
What religion was most of england,
Who put pressure on elizabeth to ...
8  cards
Religious beliefs in Tudor England
Who was head of church in catholi...,
Who should run the church in cath...,
What language should the bible be...
18  cards
Elizabeth Section 1 - Enforcement of Elizabeth’s religious settlement
Before what year was opposition t...,
What did the pope state in 1580,
Who did england want to be their ...
8  cards
Elizabeth Section 2 - The Royal court
Who were the royal court,
Life at court,
Why did courtiers fall under eliz...
9  cards
Elizabeth Section 2 - Local Government
Who ran the government of england,
Why was a local government needed,
Who was each county controlled by
7  cards
Elizabeth Section 2 - Parliament
What was the parliament,
How did puritan mps use their pos...,
How did elizabeth control parliament
6  cards
Elizabeth Section 2 - The Essex Rebellion
Who was robert devereux,
What won earl of essex a place on...,
What led to the earl of essex s e...
6  cards
Elizabeth 3 - Jesuits
What are jesuits,
When did jesuits arrive in england,
Where did jesuits train
10  cards
Elizabeth 3 - Mary Queen of Scots
What was mary to elizabeth,
What happened to mary,
Why was mary s presence in englan...
6  cards
Elizabeth 3 - Catholic plots
What were catholic plots,
1583 throckmorton plot,
Why was the throckmorton plot uns...
6  cards
Elizabeth 3 - Spanish Armada
What lead to the spanish armada,
What were the causes of rivalry w...,
What was the spanish armada
6  cards
Elizabeth 4 - lives of gentry
What were homes like for gentry,
What was food and drink like for ...,
How did gentry make a living
3  cards
Elizabeth 4 - lives of middling sort
What were their homes like,
What was food and drink like,
How did middling sort make a living
3  cards
Elizabeth 4 - lives of labouring poor
What were homes like for labourin...,
What was food like for the labour...,
How did the labouring poor make a...
3  cards
Elizabeth 4 - family life
Gentry marriage,
What kind of society was elizabethan,
What did couples immediately do i...
7  cards
Elizabeth 4 - causes of poverty
How much of the population lived ...,
What were vagrants and vagabonds,
Why were the middling sort and ge...
4  cards
Elizabeth 4 - Elizabeth’s response to poverty
What laws did the government put ...,
1601 poor law,
What categories did the poor law ...
6  cards
Elizabeth 5 - Merry England
What was merry england,
What sports did ordinary english ...,
What festivities did ordinary eng...
4  cards
Elizabeth 5 - The Puritan attack on popular pastimes
What pastimes were stopped,
Why did puritans stop some popula...,
How did they clamp down on popula...
7  cards
Elizabeth 5 - Theatres and their opponents
What was there instead of theatres,
What happened when the government...,
What opposition was there to thea...
6  cards
Elizabeth 5 - The persecution of witches
What did elizabeth believe believ...,
What did people believe about wit...,
What did the 1563 law against wit...
6  cards
Elizabeth 6 - The Algonquin
What was the algonquian,
Who ruled algonquian,
How did the algonquian believe
5  cards
Elizabeth 6 - The Mughal Empire
Who ruled the mughal empire,
What was the mughal empire,
What did the mughals believe
5  cards
Elizabeth 6 - Roanoke
What was roanoke,
What motivated walter raleigh to ...,
What motivated walter raleigh to ...
9  cards
Elizabeth 6 - Trade with the east
What trade increased at the end o...,
What motivated journeys to the ea...,
What motivated journeys to the ea...
10  cards

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history elizabethan

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