This class was created by Brainscape user Loane Bertsche. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

emergence of Nazi Germany
When was the weimar republic formed,
What were the effects of world wa...,
What is proportional representation
25  cards
consolidation of power in nazi germany
What was gleichschaltung,
What was the impact of the disban...,
What was the impact of the law fo...
22  cards
policies in nazi germany
What was the fuhrerprinzip,
What were the two levels the fuhr...,
What were the 3 distinct phases o...
24  cards
emergence of PRC
What was the chinese soviet,
Who was jiang jieshi,
Why is the period in the jiangxi ...
22  cards
consolidation of power in PRC
When were the reunification campa...,
What were the three systems of so...,
What were the regulations or poli...
20  cards
policies in PRC
What were mats and when were they...,
How successful were mats,
Why was collectivisation not work...
29  cards
Cold War: The breakdown of the Grand Alliance
What was the 1944 percentages agr...,
What were stalin s aims ideals,
When was truman president
22  cards
Cold War: Superpower relations
What was nixon s strategy for rel...,
Why did nixon want better relatio...,
When did sino american relations ...
53  cards
Cold War: Confrontation and reconciliation
When was gorbachev elected as gen...,
What did gorbachev do in terms of...,
When was the hungarian border ope...
28  cards
Native americans is the USA
How were conditions for native am...,
When were native americans grante...,
How did john collier roosevelt s ...
25  cards
First Peoples in Canada p.3
When what was the impact of the i...,
What were two ways first nation p...,
When why was the league of indian...
33  cards
African Americans p.3
How were african americans viewed...,
How did segregation officially be...,
When and what was plessy v ferguson
79  cards
Black Power Movement P.3
What was mlk jr reaction to the l...,
What was mlk s primary aim starti...,
Which ghetto in the north did mlk...
70  cards
Role of goverments p.3
What was the attitude towards civ...,
What was the problem with supreme...,
What was congress attitude toward...
22  cards
Bolivian Government and Civil Rights p.3
What was life like for the indige...,
What was established in warisata,
In 1937 colonel busch s military ...
34  cards
youth culture USA
How did the student population ev...,
What speech by kennedy had a grea...,
How did the civil rights movement...
28  cards
youth culture in latin america
How was student unrest in mexico,
What happened in july 26th in 1968,
What did students establish
14  cards
feminist movements Canada
What was the situation for women ...,
When did women in canada earn the...,
When were women in canada conside...
24  cards
youth culture canada
Where was the political activism ...,
Give an example of a canadian stu...,
Did hippies and the countercultur...
8  cards
feminist movement in USA
What was the situation for women ...,
Why did women s activism increase...,
Examples of gender inequalities e...
40  cards
feminist movements in Cuba
What were castro s regime s inten...,
Who was the most important women ...,
When was the fmc set up and by who
10  cards
feminist movement in argentina
What was the effect on 1920s legi...,
What disturbed the progress made,
What were juan peron s biggest ac...
15  cards
hispanic americans
What did the 1972 equal employmen...,
What did the office of management...,
How did the civil rights act 1964...
16  cards
paper 3: chapter 7: mexican americans
What does lulac stand for when wa...,
What were some reasons for the in...,
What led to the first awakening o...
25  cards
immigration- reform and controversy
What did the 1986 immigration ref...,
What did the 1965 hart celler imm...,
What prompted california to enact...
22  cards
US foreign policy pre 1945 in Latin America
What and when was the monroe doct...,
What was the us s influence globa...,
When did the us begin developing ...
16  cards
US foreign policy pre 1945 China-Canada
How were canada us relations in t...,
What happened in the 1920s betwee...,
When did canada us relations improve
6  cards
President Truman and the cold war part 1
Why did the usa refuse to recogni...,
What were 3 elements of the usa i...,
What were 3 elements of the ussr ...
8  cards
President Truman and the cold war part 2
When was the truman doctrine decl...,
What happened in turkey between t...,
Why did stalin have interests in ...
35  cards
The Korean War part 1
How did the establishment of sout...,
How was north korea set up,
Who wanted reunification
32  cards
The Korean War part 2
Why would the korean war be consi...,
Why could the korean war be consi...,
Did truman want to abandon korea
12  cards
Eisenhower 53-69 US foreign policy
What was the new look policy what...,
What did secretary of state john ...,
Why did eisenhower focus on reduc...
34  cards
US involvement in vietnam
When and what was the geneva acco...,
How did eisenhower start nation b...,
What was eisenhower s approach to...
46  cards
Cuban revolution
When did castro come to power,
What were three reasons the usa c...,
When was cuba occupied by the us ...
66  cards
Paper 2
0  cards

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