history gcse personal

This class was created by Brainscape user Adam Nions. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Individuals in Medicine - C1000 - 2000
What were the 4 humours,
When was the coventry clean up,
What was arderne s surgery succes...
54  cards
Health & The People : Groups
Who affected surgery,
Who affected public health,
Who affected treatments
7  cards
Normans : Harrying of the North - Methods
Why did william raid the north,
When did william siege exeter,
How long did the siege on exeter ...
16  cards
Normans : Harrying of the North - Result
What happened to the land,
How much did the wealth of yorksh...,
How much did the south wealth inc...
12  cards
Normans : Battles
When was the battle of hastings,
What did the saxon army consist of,
What did the norman army consist ...
16  cards
Normans : Church and Religion
What religion did saxons follow,
What was a synod,
Who was replaced by lanfranc as t...
24  cards
Normans : Gaining control
How many castles did william build,
What style of castles did william...,
Why were castles built
14  cards
America 1920s : The Boom
Why was ww1 beneficial to america,
When was the assembly line create...,
How many cars made in 1900 how ma...
18  cards
America 1920s : Prohibition
How many arrests did moe smith an...,
How much did alcohol consumption ...,
How many arrests made in 1921 com...
14  cards
America 1920s : Red scare
Why were people fleeing to america,
What was melting pot theory,
What is a red scare
15  cards
America 1930 / 40s : The great depression
How many farmers were evicted,
During the depression what did fa...,
What did over farmed land turn into
15  cards
America 1930 / 40s : The New Deal
What did the ccc do,
How many people did the ccc help,
What did the pwa do
13  cards
America 1970s : Effects of WW2
Why was the war positive for indu...,
How much was spent per day by 1945,
What of contracts went to how man...
10  cards
America 1970s : American Dream Post WW2
By the 1950s how much of the worl...,
How much better was the average a...,
How much better was the average a...
6  cards
America 1970s : 2nd Red Scare
What did the truman doctrine state,
What committee was set up to inve...,
What was alger hiss convicted for
10  cards
America 1970s : The Great Society
Who led the great society campaign,
What was the aim of the great soc...,
What was the housing act
10  cards
America 1970s : Black Nationalist Movement
Who was a famous member of the na...,
What was the sncc,
Who was stokely carmichael
7  cards
America 1970s : Civil Rights Acts
What were the jim crow laws,
How many black americans register...,
What did the the brown vs board o...
18  cards
America 1970s : Femnist Movement
What was the now,
What was t,
What did the equal pay act do
5  cards
Korean War 1945 - 1953
Why was korea split in two,
What did the potsdam conference e...,
When was the rok formed
20  cards
Vietnam War : Escalation
Why was ho chi minh so popular,
How many french died at dien bien...,
What did the geneva agreement est...
17  cards
Vietnam War : Mi Lai Massacre & The Tet Offensive
How many soldiers did they expect...,
How many vc weapons were found at...,
How many civilians died at my lai
12  cards
Vietnam War : De-escalation
What chemical weapons were used,
How many civilians died for every...,
What was hanging off of american ...
22  cards
Vietnam War : Anti-war protests
Anti war slogan for lbj,
When was the kent state massacre,
How many died at the kent state m...
7  cards

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history gcse personal

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