history germany

This class was created by Brainscape user Harry Cox-Day. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Creation and Collapse Of The Weimar Republic
What is a constitution and what i...,
What is the main purpose of a con...,
Reasons why the constitution was ...
38  cards
Section C
What was ajp taylor s argument ab...,
What was fischer s argument about...,
What were the 3 main influences o...
35  cards
Weimar Economy
June 1919,
April 1921,
January 1923
42  cards
Aspects Of German Life 1918-1933
1919 article 109,
1919 article 113,
1919 article 118
18  cards
Weimar Opposition And Control
Left wing extremism,
Right wing extremism,
What was the stab in the back myth
15  cards
Nazi Politics
When hitler was first appointed c...,
When was the reichstag fire and w...,
What happened in the march 1933 e...
27  cards
Nazi Opposition And Control
Rank methods of opposition from m...,
Youth opposition examples,
The conservative elites examples
27  cards
Nazi Economy
What were hitlers 4 key aims in r...,
Why did hitler want to replace th...,
What was the guns or butter debate
27  cards
Hitler Life
What were some nazi aims towards ...,
What was meant by kinder kuche ki...,
What is the lebensborn programme
34  cards
FRG Politics
What was decided at the yalta con...,
What was decided at the potsdam c...,
Why was the frg formed in 1949
21  cards
FRG Opposition
Why was there a lot of youth oppo...,
Who were the sds and what happene...,
Explain who the apo were
18  cards
FRG Economy
When was the economic miracle,
What happened to unemployment fro...,
What was government intervention ...
15  cards
FRG Life
How did women s lives improve fro...,
How didn t women s lives improve ...,
Who were guest workers and when d...
10  cards

More about
history germany

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