history mock exams flashcards

This class was created by Brainscape user Dylan Paez. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Conferences - Cold War
What did roosevelt strongly belie...,
What did churchill strongly belie...,
What did stalin strongly believe in
15  cards
Iron Curtain Speech - Cold War
Who did the iron curtain speech a...,
What did the iron curtain speech ...,
What was a consequence of the iro...
3  cards
Comecon/Cominform - Cold War
What was formed on the 22nd of se...,
What is the full name of cominform,
What were the aims of cominform
7  cards
Truman Doctrine - Cold War
What was the build up to the trum...,
What was in the truman doctrine s...,
What was the initial purpose of t...
8  cards
Marshall Plan - Cold War
What was the marshal plan an outc...,
What is the marshal plan,
What were the aims of the marshal...
7  cards
Cuban Missiles Crisis - Cold War Crisis
What was the key events of the mi...,
Who was the current president of ...,
Who was the ussr leader in 1962
11  cards
Impact Of The Building Of The Berlin Wall 1961-63 - Cold War Crisis
What is the importance of the ber...,
What is the importance of the ber...,
What are the positives of the ber...
10  cards
Prague Spring And Invasion Of Czechoslovakia 1968 - Cold War Crisis
Why was communism unpopular in cz...,
What is socialism with a human face,
What happened in 1968
12  cards
Soviet Invasion Of Afghanistan 1979 - The End Of The Cold War
Why were the soviets interested i...,
What happened on april 1978,
What happened on september 1979
7  cards
Helsinki Agreements 1975 - The End Of The Cold War
What happened in 1973,
What is in basket one of the hels...,
What is in basket one of the hels...
4  cards
Collapse Of Communism In Eastern Europe - The End Of The Cold War
What are gorbachev s reforms summ...,
What does glasnost mean,
What perestroika
9  cards
The Elizabethan Religious Settlement - Early Elizabethan England 1558-88
Why did the reformation happen in...,
How did the reformation have such...,
Why were there major divisions in...
12  cards
The Causes Of And Events Leading Up To The Spanish Armada - Early Elizabethan England 1558-88
What were elizabeth s policy aims,
Why did english merchants begin t...
10  cards
Reasons For Poverty In Elizabethan England - Early Elizabethan England 1558-88
Why was poverty a problem in eliz...,
What was another problem with pov...,
What are the causes of elizabetha...
10  cards
Reaction And Challenges To The Elizabethan Religious Settlement (e.g. Puritans, Roman Catholics) - Elizabethan Early England 1558-88
What happened in 1556,
What was the crucifix controversy...,
What was the vestment controversy...
6  cards
The Ridolfi,Throckmorton And Babington Plot And Reasons For The Execution Of Mary Queen of Scots - Early Elizabethan England 1558-88
When was the babington plot,
When was the babington plot,
What were the events of the ridol...
12  cards
Black Americans In The 1950s - The Civil Rights Movement
How were americans discriminated ...,
What ended as a result of the civ...,
What was still happening despite ...
8  cards
Progress In Education (Brown vs Topeka, Little Rock) - The Civil Rights Movement
Why was the brown vs board of edu...,
Show how the naacp changed segreg...,
What were the short term sucesses...
13  cards
The Montgomery Bus Boycott - The Civil Rights Movement
What happened on the 1st december...,
What happened on the 8th december...,
What happened on the 12th decembe...
14  cards
Changes To US Involvement Under Nixon - US Involvement In The Vietnam War 1954-75
What changes occured under nixon ...,
What approaches did nixon do to t...,
What happened on 25th july 1969
9  cards
US And Vietcong Tactics - US Involvement In The Vietnam War 1954-75
What advice was johnson given reg...,
What was the advice given to john...,
What was the main aim of us for v...
9  cards
Support And Opposition To The War - US Involvement In The Vietnam War 1954-75
What were the reasons for initial...,
What did three protestors do in 1...,
What were the short term factors ...
4  cards

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history mock exams flashcards

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