history year 12 gcse

This class was created by Brainscape user Cjgamer97 #8262. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

The Riechstag Fire
What was the reichstag fire,
How did hitler use the reichstag ...,
How did hitler persuade hindenbur...
5  cards
The Enabling Act
What was the enabling act,
Why did the reichstag vote for th...
2  cards
Removing Opposition
Hitler banned political parties,
Hitler banned the trade unions,
Local government power
3  cards
The Night Of The Long Knives
What was the night of the long kn...,
Why did hitler decide not to take...,
What happened on june 30th 1934
3  cards
The SS “Protection Squad”
What were the ss,
2  cards
The Gestapo
What was the gestapo,
Why was the gestapo so feared
2  cards
The SD “Security Force”
What was the sd,
What did the sd do
2  cards
Concentration Camps
What were concentration camps,
Prisoners in the camps were class...,
The first camp
3  cards
Nazi Judges
What were the nazi judges,
An example of the nazi judges
2  cards
The Use Of Propaganda And Censorship
Joesph goebbels
15  cards
Changes In The Standard Of Living
Employment having work,
Working hours
6  cards
How Did The Nazis Reduce Unemployment?
Creating the nazi labour service,
Rearmament and conscription,
Building the autobahn
11  cards
Nazi Views and Policies towards women and the family in Nazi Germany
Nazis attitude towards women s ap...,
Women as wives,
Women as mothers
14  cards
The Cold War
What was the cold war,
How did the superpowers try to co...,
What was capitalism
15  cards
The Importance Of The Truman Doctorine And The Marshall Plan
Why was president truman worried ...,
The truman doctrine,
The truman doctrine 1947
4  cards
Cominform And Comecon
Cominform 1947,
What did cominform do,
Comecon 1949
5  cards
Nato And The Warsaw Pact
Why was nato created in october 1948,
What was nato,
The consequences of nato
9  cards
Hungarian Uprising
The background to the hungarian u...,
Why were the hungarians unhappy,
What did the hungarian people do
11  cards
Khrushchev’s Berlin Ultimatum and the Summit Meetings: 1959-61.
What was the refugee crisis in be...,
Why did khrushchev not like the h...,
What did khrushchev want to happe...
7  cards
Northern Ireland
What were oniells economic reform...,
What were the policies for oniell...
2  cards
The Imprtance Of The Amrs Race
Who were the two new superpower l...,
The cost of the arms race,
What was mutually assured destruc...
5  cards
The Cuban Missile Crisis, And Revolution
The origins of the crisis 1959,
Cuba became allies with the sovie...,
America starts to worry about cuba
10  cards
The Prague Spring
Czechoslovakia basic facts,
What were the events of the pragu...,
A time for change the prague spring
10  cards
Détente - Salt 1 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty.
Who signed the salt 1 agreement,
What was agreed at detente,
The negative impacts of salt 1
8  cards
The Helsinki Accords 1975
What was helsinki,
Basket one european borders helsi...,
Basket two international cooperat...
4  cards
Détente -salt 2
What was first agreed in salt 2,
Why did detente fail by the late ...,
The soviet invasion of afghanista...
3  cards
President Reagan, the ‘Second Cold War’ and the Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars).
President reagan s main policies,
Examples of the reagan doctrine,
Reagan s defense policies
8  cards
The actions of Mikhail Gorbachev and the collapse of Soviet control in Eastern Europe.
What were the economical problems...,
What were the social problems in ...,
What were the political problems ...
18  cards
The Soviet Invasion Of Afghanistan In 1979 And The Consequences
Why did the soviet union invade a...,
What was the short term cause of ...,
The key events of the soviet inva...
6  cards
The Significance And Consequences Of The Fall Of The Berlin Wall
How the berlin wall fell by novem...,
The people of east and west germa...,
Consequences gorbachev fell from ...
7  cards
1933-39: Nazi Policies Towards the Young – Education, Curriculum and Teachers
Education before 1933,
Education after 1933,
Nazi control of teachers
7  cards
1933-39: Nazi Policies Towards the Young – The Hitler Youth & League of German Maidens
Nazi youth groups overview,
Youth organizations in germany,
The main aims for the nazi youth ...
12  cards
1933-39: Nazi control of the Catholic & Protestant Churches - The Reich Church and Catholic Concordat
Why did hitler need to control th...,
The control of the catholic church,
The concordat july 1933
8  cards
1933-39: Conformity, Resistance and Opposition in Nazi Germany – The Catholic & Protestant Churches
Why was there so little opposition,
Opposition from the church,
Catholic church resistance
5  cards
1933-39: Conformity, Resistance and Opposition in Nazi Germany
Opposition from youth groups,
The edelweiss pirates,
The swing youth
7  cards
1933-39: The Persecution of the Jews until 1939
How far did ordinary german peopl...,
The long term causes of anti semi...,
The short term causes of anti sem...
3  cards
1933-39: The Persecution of the Jews – Boycott of Jewish Shops, The Nuremberg Laws and Kristallnacht.
1933 persecution of the jews,
1934 the persecution of the jews,
1935 the nuremberg laws
5  cards

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history year 12 gcse

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