This class was created by Brainscape user Abdallah Hasan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Heme Biochemistry
What is the inheritance pattern o...,
How does protoporphyrin productio...,
How do we manage acute attacks of...
28  cards
Diseases associated with ebv late...,
Diseases associated with ebv late...,
Diseases associated with ebv late...
9  cards
How is mcv calculated,
What is the unit of mcv,
Unit of measuring hemoglobin level
35  cards
Where is cysterna chyli located,
Which vein does the majority of l...,
Size of lymphatic nodes
37  cards
What is the relative viscosity of...,
What is the relative viscosity of...,
Give an example of a hematopoieti...
25  cards
At what number of platelets does ...,
At what platelet count does cns g...,
What is normal ptt
12  cards
What does the submandibular lymph...,
What does the preauricular lymph ...,
What does the epitrochlear lymph ...
28  cards
What are b all markers,
What are b all markers,
Peak age of b all
19  cards
Are enterobacterales oxidase posi...,
What is s enterica subspecies 2 c...,
What is s enterica subspecies 3a ...
41  cards
Route of administration of ufh pr...,
Route of administration of ufh,
Route of administration of lmw he...
36  cards
What tki do we use for cml,
What is the hemoglobin level for ...,
What is the hematocrit level for ...
6  cards
What is the mopp regimen composed of,
What is the abvd regimen composed of,
Why is mopp not used anymore
29  cards
Blood Culture
Empirical therapy for g staphyloc...,
Empirical therapy for g cocci in ...,
Empirical therapy for g bacilli
10  cards

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