This class was created by Brainscape user Koden Tietjen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Anatomy 1.1
What is regional anatomy based on,
What is the emphasis of regional ...,
What is an essential part of the ...
51  cards
Anatomy 1.2
What is the anatomical position,
All the planes,
41  cards
Anatomy 1.3
What is medical imaging used for,
Conventional radiography,
What bone absorbs more x rays
9  cards
Anatomy 2.1 Skeletal
What are the two main parts of th...,
Axial skeleton,
Appendicular skeleton
83  cards
Anatomy 2.1 Muscular
Skeletal striated muscle,
Cardiac striated muscle,
Smooth muscle
45  cards
Anatomy 2.1 Nervous
What is the structural aspect of ...,
What is the functional aspect of ...,
53  cards
Anatomy 2.2
What does the skin provide,
76  cards
Anatomy Spine Ligaments
Anterior longitudinal ligament,
Supraspinous ligament,
Annulus fibrosis
8  cards
Anatomy Ligament Attachments
Costotransverse ligament,
Intra articular ligament of head ...,
Lateral costotransverse ligament
6  cards
Anatomy 4.1
Excessive anteversion,
What holds the head of the femur ...
66  cards
Anatomy 4.2
What bones make up the knee joint,
Genu varum,
Genu valgum
44  cards
Knee Ligaments Limitations
What does the acl limit,
What does the pcl limit,
What does the mcl limit
4  cards
Anatomy 4.3
What causes a lateral ankle sprain,
What causes a medial ankle sprain,
What is the most common ligament ...
63  cards
Lower Leg Ligament Limitations
What does the anterior ligament o...,
What does the posterior ligament ...,
What does the interosseus membran...
5  cards
Ankle Ligament Limitations
What does the anterior talofibula...,
What does the calcaneofibular limit,
What does the posterior talofibul...
7  cards
Exam 3 Review
What does the thoracolumbar fasci...,
How does the external oblique wor...,
How does the internal oblique wor...
30  cards
Anatomy 6.2
What is the prime mover of hip fl...,
What are factors that would limit...,
What is the windlass effect
12  cards
Anatomy 6.1
Subcutaneous tissue superficial f...,
Deep fascia of the lower limb,
What makes up the anterior thigh
10  cards
Anatomy 7.1
How does the cns learn how to con...,
56  cards
Anatomy 8.1
Do spinal cord lesions always pro...,
Do upper motor neuron and lower m...,
What is a problem with a spinal n...
7  cards
Anatomy Exam 4 Study Guide
What does the external iliac arte...,
How many branches are there of th...,
Where is the deep femoral artery ...
27  cards
Muscles Of Hip And Thigh
Gluteus maximus origin,
Gluteus maximus insertion,
Gluteus maximus action
72  cards
Hip And Thigh Innervations
Gluteus maximus,
Gluteus medius,
Gluteus minimus
24  cards
Muscles Of Foot And Ankle
Abductor hallucis origin,
Abductor hallucis insertion,
Abductor hallucis action
75  cards
Foot And Ankle Innervations
Abductor hallucis,
Flexor digitorum brevis,
Abductor digiti minimi
25  cards
15  cards

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human anatomy

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