This class was created by Brainscape user maanya shetty. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

cog approach: models of memory
Memory definition,
Brief ab msm who introduced it wh...,
Hypothesis 2 main claims of msm
26  cards
cog approach: schema theory & reconstructive memory
Schema definition,
Theory of,
Explains cognitive processing by
29  cards
cog approach: thinking & decision making
Thinking definition,
Decision making definition,
Intro to the dual process model o...
22  cards
cog approach: emotion & cognition
0  cards
bio approach: MRI - techniques to study B&B
Neuroimaging technology has allowed,
An eg of neuroimaging technology ...,
Magnetic field polarisation
12  cards
bio approach: localisation of function
Theory of localisation states that,
Research into localisation,
Strict localisation definition
10  cards
bio approach: neuroplasticity
Definition of neuroplasticity,
Changes developed are due to,
Neuroplasticity can be observed o...
10  cards
bio approach: neural networks
Definition of neuroplasticity,
Changes developed are due to,
Brief into neural networks
10  cards
bio approach: neural pruning
Definition of neuroplasticity,
Changed developed are due to,
Brief on neural networks
10  cards
bio approach: neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters definition,
Process of neurotransmission,
Common way of studying effects of...
10  cards
bio approach: excitatory
Neurotransmitters are often refer...,
Process of neurotransmission,
Intro into excitatory neurotransm...
11  cards
bio approach: agonist & antagonist
How neurotransmitters are agonists,
Agonist definition,
Eg of an agonist
10  cards
bio approach: hormones
Hormones definition,
Brief into hormones,
Eg of a hormone that influences h...
11  cards
bio approach: pheromones
Pheromone definition,
Why have they long fascinated sci...,
Research on pheromones
12  cards
bio approach: genes & its effects on behaviour
Genetic mapping,
One area of interest in epigeneti...
8  cards
bio approach: evolution & behaviour
Human behavior is influenced by,
One prominent evolutionary explan...,
Study linked to this
11  cards
bio approach: genetic similarity - kinship study
Gene definition,
Genetic similarity,
Role of kinship studies
11  cards
bio approach: genetic similarity - twinship study
Gene definition,
Genetic similarity,
Role of twin studies
11  cards
cognitive approach: rm & ethics
Characteristics of an experiment,
Cognitive processing reliability ...,
Cog processing reliability of cog...
20  cards

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ib psychology

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