This class was created by Brainscape user Rene Galindo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

What is vaccination,
What is adaptive immunity,
What is innate immunity
35  cards
Chapter 1: Basics Concepts in Immunology
What are the three strategies aga...,
What are the four phases of the i...,
Compare the innate immune respons...
41  cards
Chapter 2: Innate Immunity, The First Lines of Defense
What is the order of the innate i...,
What are the three mechanisms by ...,
What are the three mechanisms by ...
35  cards
Chapter 3: Cellular Mechanisms Of Innate Immunity
What are pamps what are damps how...,
What are the four main groups of ...,
What do macrophages granulocytes ...
50  cards
Chapter 4: Antigen Recognition by B-cell and T-cell Receptors
What are b cells where do they ma...,
Where do t cells mature how do th...,
What are four effector modules an...
39  cards
Chapter 5: The Generation of Lymphocyte Antigen Receptors
Why do we have so many antibodies,
What is class switching,
Why is bcr able to recognize so m...
9  cards
Chapter 6: Antigen presentation to T lymphocytes
What two things does antigen pres...,
What do inf and il 21 do,
How are antigens processed where ...
16  cards
Chapter 7: Lymphocyte Receptor Signaling
What do signals from antigen rece...,
How does an extracellular signal ...,
What is the order of lymphocyte s...
19  cards
Chapter 8: Development of B and T Lymphocytes
What are b lymphocytes derived from,
What are two major cell groups in...,
How is the progress of gene rearr...
30  cards
Exam 1 Super Deck
What is vaccination,
What is adaptive immunity,
What is innate immunity
272  cards
Chapter 9: T Cell-Mediated Immunity
What do secondary lymphoid struct...,
What does the spleen do where do ...,
How do antigens enter the lymph n...
45  cards
Methods in Immunology
What is a complement fixation test,
What is elisa,
How is an elisa carried out
12  cards
Chapter 10: The Humoral Immune Response
What does the nfkb family consist...,
What is the canonical classical p...,
What is humoral immunity how do a...
40  cards
Chapter 11: Integrated Dynamics of Innate and Adaptive Immunity
What are the stages of immune res...,
What happens when someone experie...,
Outline the steps involved in a i...
46  cards
Chapter 12: The Barrier Immune System
What does the mucosal immune syst...,
How do the thickness of tissue in...,
What types of cells can be found ...
25  cards
Chapter 13: Immunodeficiency
How does immunodeficiency occur w...,
What is scid what are the signs a...,
What is x linked scid and what ar...
14  cards
Chapter 14: Allergic Diseases and Hypersensitivity Reactions
What is a hypersensitive reaction...,
What are type i allergic diseases,
Outline the steps involved in an ...
28  cards
Chapter 15: Autoimmunity and Transplantation
What is autoimmunity what is xeno...,
What are some examples of autoimm...,
What are the layers of self toler...
23  cards
EXAM 2: Master Deck
A child with reoccurring pyogenic...,
A boy with a mutated il2rg gene w...,
The following flowing flow cytome...
11  cards

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immunology 430

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