immunology exam 2 study

This class was created by Brainscape user Doug Thompson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Infectious Diseases
Factors that influence the develo...,
Match the immunological defense a...,
The detection of _________ can be...
17  cards
The center for biologics evaluati...,
Pathogens adapted for biological ...,
Vaccines can be divided into ____...
8  cards
Streptococcal infections
S pyogenes is the most common cau...,
All the following characteristics...,
Substances produced by s pyogenes...
16  cards
Match the treponema associated di...,
Match the following stages of syp...,
Which of the following is a term ...
13  cards
Vector-Borne Diseases
Common vectors of lyme disease in...,
The only continent without lyme d...,
The primary reservoir in nature f...
27  cards
Toxoplasmosis is a ________ infec...,
The definitive host of t gondii i...,
All the following are specific me...
9  cards
All the following describe cmv ex...,
Because cmv can persist latently ...,
Cmv is recognized as the cause of...
13  cards
Infectious Mononucleosis
The epstein barr virus can cause ...,
The primary mode of ebv transmiss...,
Infants infected with ebv are mor...
15  cards
Viral Hepatitis
Match the following forms of hepa...,
Match the following use an answer...,
Match the following use an answer...
24  cards
Rubella and Rubeola Infections
All the following groups of indiv...,
The greatest risk of the manifest...,
In a patient with primary rubella...
11  cards
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
The major structural protein core...,
The infectious process of aids be...,
Hiv can infect all of the followi...
18  cards
Hypersensitivity Reactions
Match the following types of hype...,
With which cell type are anaphyla...,
Type iii reactions are exemplifie...
15  cards
All of the following characterist...,
The classic tests to demonstrate ...,
Ebv can cause all of the followin...
33  cards

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immunology exam 2 study

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