imperial year 5 specialties - o&g

This class was created by Brainscape user fatima habib. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (44)

Endometriosis breadth - passmed
What is endometriosis,
What are the clinical features of...,
What is the gold standard investi...
33  cards
Endometriosis depth - BMJ
What are key symptoms that sugges...,
What might be found during a pelv...,
What are the primary diagnostic t...
10  cards
Endometriosis NICE Diagnosis, management and guidelines
What is recommended for organizin...,
What symptoms should prompt suspi...,
When should women with suspected ...
14  cards
What are uterine fibroids,
What are the common associations ...,
What are the common symptoms of u...
12  cards
What is endometrial cancer and wh...,
What are the risk factors for end...,
What are protective factors again...
10  cards
How does blood pressure typically...,
What are nice recommendations for...,
How is hypertension defined in pr...
11  cards
What is polycystic ovary syndrome...,
What are the main features of pcos,
What are the key investigations f...
8  cards
What is the legal basis for abort...,
What are the general requirements...,
What are the medical options for ...
8  cards
What is the current approach in t...,
How are negative hrhpv results ma...,
What happens if the hrhpv test is...
14  cards
What is urinary incontinence and ...,
What are the risk factors for uri...,
What are the different types of u...
10  cards
What is hyperemesis gravidarum an...,
What are the risk factors for hyp...,
What are the referral criteria fo...
11  cards
What causes chickenpox and shingles,
What is the risk to a pregnant wo...,
What is the risk of fetal varicel...
16  cards
What is group b streptococcus gbs,
How prevalent is gbs in mothers,
When may infants be exposed to ma...
14  cards
What range of mental health probl...,
What tool may be used to screen f...,
What is the edinburgh postnatal d...
19  cards
What is induction of labour,
What are the indications for indu...,
What is the bishop score
17  cards
What guides the decision to start...,
What is ukmec 1,
What is ukmec 2
12  cards
What is the recommendation if 1 p...,
What is the recommendation if 2 o...,
What should be done if pills are ...
8  cards
Where is the transformation zone ...,
What results in a larger area of ...,
What term is used less commonly n...
7  cards
What is pre eclampsia,
What is the current formal defini...,
What are the potential consequenc...
15  cards
What is ovarian cancer,
What is the pathophysiology of ov...,
What are the risk factors for ova...
12  cards
What factors should be considered...,
What does the faculty of sexual r...,
What are the ukmec recommendation...
7  cards
What is a threatened miscarriage,
What is a missed delayed miscarriage,
What is an inevitable miscarriage
6  cards
When do women require contracepti...,
What does the fsrh advise about t...,
What are the ukmec recommendation...
9  cards
What are benign ovarian cysts,
What should be done with complex ...,
What are the types of physiologic...
12  cards
Why has the rate of caesarean sec...,
What are the two main types of ca...,
What are some indications for a c...
15  cards
What is the definition of an abor...,
What percentage of diagnosed preg...,
What is the incidence of non deve...
9  cards
What is the most common problem w...,
When does the pop provide immedia...,
What should be done if the pop is...
13  cards
Where are stable women typically ...,
Where should unstable women with ...,
What is the result of a pregnancy...
16  cards
What is placental abruption,
What is the epidemiology of place...,
What are the associated factors f...
6  cards
Chorioamnionitis_Flashcards (1)
What is chorioamnionitis,
How common is chorioamnionitis,
What is the major risk factor for...
7  cards
What is the significance of the d...,
What percentage of mothers are rh...,
What happens if a rh ve mother de...
11  cards
What is the cause of infertility ...,
Why is ovulation induction often ...,
What does normal ovulation require
20  cards
What dose of folic acid should be...,
Should iron supplementation be of...,
Why should vitamin a supplementat...
18  cards
What is postcoital bleeding,
In what percentage of cases is no...,
What is the most common identifia...
5  cards
What does cardiotocography ctg re...,
What is the normal fetal heart rate,
What is baseline bradycardia in ctg
16  cards
When are pregnant women screened ...,
What are the nice cut offs to det...,
What are the nice cut offs to det...
8  cards
How many antenatal visits are rec...,
How many antenatal visits are rec...,
Do women need to be seen by a con...
18  cards
What are the two methods of emerg...,
What are the two methods of emerg...,
What is the mode of action of lev...
22  cards
What is placenta praevia,
What should be done if a low lyin...,
What is the recommended method of...
10  cards
What is the symphysis fundal heig...,
What should the sfh match after 2...,
4  cards
What are the advantages of the co...,
What are the disadvantages of the...,
Does the combined oral contracept...
5  cards
What is endometrial hyperplasia,
What are the types of endometrial...,
What is a common feature of endom...
8  cards
How is folic acid converted in th...,
What are good sources of folic acid,
What is the function of tetrahydr...
10  cards
What is postpartum haemorrhage pph,
When does primary postpartum haem...,
What are the 4 ts causes of prima...
12  cards

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imperial year 5 specialties - o&g

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