This class was created by Brainscape user Gagandeep Sawana. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

What is ck mb and troponin,
When do i answer exercise thalliu...,
Next best diagnostic test to eval...
89  cards
Infectious Disease
What is malignant otitis externa,
What are some of the antibiotics ...,
Treatment of gonorrhea
81  cards
How to initially diagnose primary...,
What effect does cortisol has on ...,
Metabolic syndrome is defined by ...
47  cards
What is the criteria for long ter...,
What are the normal physiologic p...,
What effect does system glucocort...
51  cards
In which hemolytic disease we see...,
What are heinz bodies,
What is the role of g6pd
51  cards
What is the role of udp glucouron...,
How does liver toxicity occurs in...,
How to diagnose wilson disease
70  cards
What is lateral medullary wallenb...,
What is the best diagnostic modal...,
What is the most appropriate mana...
9  cards
What is the massive transfusion p...,
What is adverse long term effect ...,
How to diagnose guillain barre sy...
51  cards
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What are the findings in siadh,
What is the treatment for siadh
21  cards
What is primary prevention,
What is secondary prevention,
What is tertiary prevention
30  cards
What are the lab findings of vert...,
What imaging modality to use for ...,
Tumor suppressor genes that are l...
14  cards
What is the side effect of lopera...,
What is treatment for loperamide ...,
What is the recommended sun prote...
12  cards
What are the side effects of stim...
1  cards

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internal medicine - mccqe 1

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