This class was created by Brainscape user Dan Steward. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

Definition of motor vehicle,
Definition of a road section 192 ...,
What is a highway
23  cards
Theft theft act 1968,
Offensive weapons prevention of c...,
20  cards
Public Order
Section 18 public order act 1986,
Section 19 public order act 1986,
Section 23 public order act 1986
14  cards
Escorting Prisoners to custody
Name 3 places a police officer ca...,
As escorting officer what basic d...,
What information would you need t...
3  cards
Powers Of Entry
Section 17 reasons to enter and s...,
Section 32 pace 1984,
Section 18 pace 1984
6  cards
Aggravated Vehicle Taking
What needs to occur for aggravate...
1  cards
What should be present tfor a theft,
What does rvghosh state,
What does appropriates mean
7  cards
Stop And Search
What is the definition for stop a...,
What are the four types of prohib...,
What does gowisely stand for
4  cards
Breach Of The Peace
Where can a breach of the peace t...,
What kind of harm can take place,
What is expected to happen
5  cards
Taking A Pedal Cycle
What act and section does taking ...,
What are the main features of tak...
2  cards
6  cards
Offensive Weapons/Bladed or pointed articles
According to the prevention of cr...,
What is a made article,
What is an adapted article
11  cards
Handling Stolen Goods s22 theft act 1968
What must a person do to commit t...,
What is meant by receiving,
To commit an offence does the rec...
11  cards
What is meant by entry in relatio...,
What is meant by trespass,
What is meant by building
6  cards
Criminal Damage
What can be damaged under sect 1 ...,
How is reckless defined with rega...,
What lawful excuse would a person...
7  cards
Criminal Attempts Act 1981 - section 1
What is meant by a criminal attempt,
What kind of offence can someone ...,
In what three areas must the offe...
4  cards
Going Equipped - Section 25 Theft Act 1965
What offences would one go equipp...,
Give examples of items that could...,
Where must the person be on their...
7  cards
Theft - section 1 Theft Act 1968
When is someone not acting dishon...,
When can a person be dishonest,
What does the case r v ghosh help...
10  cards
Abstraction of Electricity
Is electricity property,
Can you steal electricity when bu...,
Where can you abstract electricit...
3  cards
Fraud Act 2006
What three ways can you commit fraud,
What points need to be proved,
Explain section 2 false represent...
9  cards
Anti Social Behaviour
Under what act and section can on...,
What is meant by anti social beha...,
To whom are asbos given
7  cards
Racist Incident
What is the definition of a racis...
1  cards
Warrants And summins
What is a warrant,
What is a commitment warrant,
What three reasons would an arres...
4  cards
Initual Action At The Scene Of A Crime
There are three distinct actions ...,
What does eclipse stand for
2  cards
Power Of Arrest - Section 24 PACE 1984
A lawful arrest requires 2 elements,
Reasonable grounds must be based on,
When can a constable arrest
5  cards
Misuse Of Drugs
Under what act of the misuse of d...
1  cards
Within how many days does a perso...,
What options are there for the re...
2  cards
What is the correct definition of...
1  cards
3 components of the 5x5x5,
What does fio mean
2  cards
What is code a,
What is code b,
What is code c
8  cards
What four options are there to de...,
What are the advantages of a v d r s,
How many days does a person have ...
3  cards
What are qualified rights,
What are absolute rights
2  cards
What is directed surveillance,
What is intrusive surveillance
2  cards
Crine Scene Preservation
What is locards principle
1  cards
Drink Driving
What is the prescribed limit in b...,
What is the prescribed limit of a...,
What is the prescribed limit if a...
3  cards
Things You Should Know
What does duty mean
1  cards

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