This class was created by Brainscape user Leah Stevenart. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (198)

Suture Materials
Define suture 1,
What is ligature 2,
What are the characteristics of a...
21  cards
Common Surgical Instruments
What is the most commonly used sc...,
What are the most common scalpel ...,
What are the most common scalpel ...
46  cards
Good Theatre Practice
Define sepsis 1,
Define asepsis 2,
Define antispesis 3
21  cards
types of wound contamination and minimising surgical infections
Define bacterial infection 1,
Define ssi surgical site infectio...,
What are the subtypes of ssis 3
11  cards
Principles of Wound Healing
What are the phases of wound heal...,
Describe the haemostasis phase 2,
Describe the inflammatory phase 3
8  cards
Principles of wound management - small animal
What are the classifications of w...,
What wound is this 2,
What wound is this 3
14  cards
Treatment options for wounds – small animal
What are the methods of wound deb...,
Describe surgical wound debrideme...,
Describe mechanical wound debride...
15  cards
small animal wounds
What is the most common stage for...,
What are the stages of wound in t...,
What is the management aim during...
21  cards
Principles of wound management - large animals
Why can amount of blood loss chan...,
Why is lameness assessments impor...,
What methods are there are assess...
3  cards
Treatment option for large animal wounds
How can tension in large animal w...,
How can secondary intention heali...,
Describe delayed primary closure 3
5  cards
small animal bandaging techniques
Identify this bandage type 1,
Identify this bandaging tool 2,
Identify this bandaging tool 3
20  cards
equine bandaging techniques
What types of bandaging is most c...,
What layers are used in an equine...,
What is the function of a figure ...
10  cards
principles of bone healing
What are the 3 phases of bone hea...,
Describe the inflammatory phase o...,
Why is the blood clot formed in t...
12  cards
principles of small animal fracture repair
What are orthogonal radiographs 1,
What is a fracture score 2,
What patient factors affect the f...
18  cards
treatment options for small animal fractures
What are the common options for f...,
What is the function of an intram...,
What is the function of cerclage ...
23  cards
treatment options for large animal fractures
What types of fractures in horses...,
Describe the goal stabilisation a...,
Describe the goal stabilisation a...
10  cards
Equine wound management workshop
What should you always check when...,
What are the associated structure...,
What are some possible challenges...
9  cards
complex wounds and complication of wound healing
Describe the features of this wou...,
What can you see in this image 2,
What is the issue with the healin...
14  cards
Small animal fracture workshop
What is the mnemonic used when we...,
Describe the initial management o...,
What is the first step of an orth...
15  cards
Surgical Instruments
What sizes are these 1,
What blades will these accept 2,
Why do you need different sized s...
57  cards
Equine fracture management workshop
What factors affect the decision ...,
In what equine fracture has the l...,
What are the risks of an intra ar...
14  cards
Principles of surgery
What are halsted s principles of ...
1  cards
Basic principles of surgical resection of tumours
What are the roles of oncological...,
Give an example of a prophylactic...,
What methods of cytology can be p...
12  cards
surgical drains
What is a surgical drain 1,
What is the function of a surgica...,
What are the classifications of d...
12  cards
Exploratory Laparotomy
What is an exploratory laparotomy 1,
What are the five regions of the ...,
What organs can be assessed in th...
9  cards
intestinal and urinary surgery
What are the layers of the bowel 1,
What is the most important layer ...,
What is a gastrotomy 3
20  cards
Complications of soft tissue surgery
Describe intestinal healing 1,
Describe bladder healing 2,
When is dehiscence most likely to...
8  cards
Clinical reasoning and decision making
What is clinical reasoning 1,
What methods of clinical reasonin...,
Fill in this table comparing type...
5  cards
Shared decision making
What is shared decision making 1,
What are the steps involved in sh...,
What information should be includ...
6  cards
Clinical Pharmacology and prescribing drugs
What is pharmacodynamics 1,
What is pharmacokinetics 2,
What is clinical pharmacology 3
31  cards
Writing a prescription and reporting a suspect adverse event
What are the regulations related ...,
What is the acronym for diagnosis 2,
What is the acronym for prescript...
25  cards
Controlled Drugs
What are the 5 schedules of contr...,
How are schedule 2 and 3 drugs pr...,
Describe the storage of schedule ...
7  cards
Define biosecurity 1,
What is the aim of disinfection 2,
What are the 4 levels of cleaning 3
14  cards
What is pasteurisation 1,
What are some limitations of past...,
What are the forms of sterilisati...
14  cards
Antibiotic Decision Making
What is antimicrobial stewardship 1,
What are cias 2,
What are some examples of cias 3
10  cards
What are the possible reasons for...,
What is a narrow spectrum antibio...,
What is a broad spectrum antibiot...
25  cards
principles of antibiotic resistance
What are the possible causes of a...,
What does c ast stand for 2,
What methods are there for assess...
16  cards
Common antibiotic combinations
What are the general principles o...,
Why may you choose combinations o...,
What considerations should be mad...
10  cards
Identification of resistance workshop
What does sssrr represent in sens...,
What does sssrr represent in sens...,
What product is banned in food pr...
6  cards
Pharmacokinetics and dynamics
What does adme mean 1,
What do we use to measure drug co...,
What are cmax and tmax 3
56  cards
The fundamentals behind drug regimes
What factors need to be considere...,
What pharmacokinetic factors dete...,
What is dosage 3
14  cards
Understanding when drug therapeutic regimes might need changing
What factors related to the drug ...,
What factors related to the body ...,
What factors related to the drug ...
36  cards
Introduction to Chemotherapeutics
What is a chemotherapeutic agent 1,
What routes of administration of ...,
How are chemotherapeutic drugs us...
47  cards
calculating drug dosages
What is 1 w v 1,
How would you prepare 5 ml of a 0...,
How is drip rate calculated 3
8  cards
Principles of ectoparasite controls
Give an example where you may int...,
How can contact with the parasite...,
How can conditions be made unsuit...
8  cards
drugs for ectoparasite control
What is the mode of action of neu...,
Which life stage do neurotoxins t...,
What extra safety mechanisms need...
20  cards
Diagnostic approach to common ectoparasites seen in practice
What is the best method to get a ...,
What is the best method to get a ...,
What is the best method to get a ...
37  cards
Pharmacology, anti-parasiticides & chemotherapeutic 
What are the major types of paras...,
What is function of anthelmintics 2,
What are the different targets of...
25  cards
Risk based endoparasite control
What are the main elements of ris...,
What weather factors affect the e...,
How can environmental risk of par...
14  cards
Intro to anaesthesia
Define general anaesthesia 1,
What is the purpose of balanced a...,
What are the desired components o...
14  cards
What is premedication 1,
What are the benefits of premedic...,
What is pre emptive analgesia 2
71  cards
What are nsaids 1,
Give examples of commonly used sm...,
Give examples of commonly used eq...
27  cards
Induction of anaethesia
Describe the pharmacokinetics of ...,
What is the effect of propofol 2,
What is the route of administrati...
41  cards
Antiparasitic workshop
What mite is this 1,
Media 2,
Which parasites do you want to co...
27  cards
Premed and prep workshop
How long should you fast a rabbit...,
What is the approximate death rat...,
In which patients is routine pre ...
20  cards
Airway Management
Why do we need to secure an airway 1,
Why are red rubber et tubes worse...,
How can et tubes be tested prior ...
40  cards
Maintenance of anaesthesia
What are the most commonly used i...,
What are types of breathing syste...,
Describe the features of isoflura...
44  cards
Why do we monitor anaesthesia 1,
What do these symbols represent o...,
What are the causes of decreased ...
34  cards
Monitoring and Responding
What are possible causes of brady...,
What should you check when assess...,
2 yr old frenchie asa 1 hr 110 bp...
30  cards
What is pain 1,
What are the 3 dimensions of pain 2,
What are the risks of uncontrolle...
47  cards
Local anaesthetics and dental blocks
Describe the mechanism of action ...,
What are the different types of l...,
Give examples of different local ...
24  cards
Pharmacology workshop
What is the bioavailability of a ...,
Describe the bioavailability of o...,
Describe bioavailability of iv dr...
22  cards
Recovery from anaesthesia
When is the greatest risk of anae...,
What increases the risk of anaest...,
What are the potential causes of ...
25  cards
Local blocks and standing surgery in farm animals
What blocks can be used for farm ...,
Describe the use of a line block ...,
What is the aim of an inverted l ...
23  cards
Regional anaesthesia of the equine head
What are the 3 branches of the tr...,
What are the 5 sensory nerve bloc...,
Where is the supraorbital nerve f...
8  cards
Farm animal anaesthesia and analgesia
What groups of medicines can be u...,
Which las can be used in farm ani...,
Which opioids can be used in farm...
8  cards
Equine anaesthesia workshop
How long should you fast a horse ...,
Is acepromazine licensed for use ...,
When would you avoid using acepro...
12  cards
Equine anaesthesia
What are the causes of horses dyi...,
What are the risk factors of equi...,
Why can urine production increase...
43  cards
anaesthesia of sicker patients
What is the benefit of providing ...,
Give examples of perioperative pr...,
What blood tests are suggested pr...
8  cards
CPR - Basic Life Support
What are some of the causes of ca...,
What are the signs of cardiopulmo...,
What is the ultimate outcome of c...
11  cards
CPR - Advanced Life Support
What are the components of advanc...,
What are the different methods of...,
What is the most important method...
31  cards
Intro to pathology
What is general pathology 1,
What is systemic pathology 2,
What is aetiology 3
44  cards
Gross pathology and the basis of disease
What criteria should be used to d...,
Describe this lesion 2,
Describe this lesion 3
43  cards
Pathology Workbook SDL
Is this a lesion 1,
Describe this lesion 2,
Is this a lesion 3
19  cards
mechanisms and mediators of acute inflammation
What is the definition of acute i...,
What are possible causes of acute...,
What are the morphological hallma...
23  cards
Chronic inflammation
Why can inflammation be prolonged 1,
What are the effector cells invol...,
What is the function of macrophag...
33  cards
Intro to clinical pathology
What is the use of clinical patho...,
What is clinical pathology 2,
What tests does clinical patholog...
20  cards
Evaluation of the blood smear
Describe the examination of a blo...,
Describe the examination of a blo...,
Which section of a blood smear is...
8  cards
Red Cell Parameters
What are the parts of a haematolo...,
What do we look for when assessin...,
What are we assessing when analys...
40  cards
What are the different types of l...,
What are the different types of l...,
What are the 3 steps for cells to...
31  cards
principles of cytology
What should you be assessing when...,
What should you be assessing when...,
What are the 2 approaches for cyt...
17  cards
Intro to neoplasia
Define neoplasia 1,
Define neoplasm 2,
What are the 3 types of neoplasm ...
40  cards
Presentations and diagnosis of neoplasia
How are neoplastic lesions named 1,
What are benign and malignant tum...,
Give examples of common benign tu...
42  cards
Neoplasia treatment options and management considerations
What do we need to establish abou...,
Describe cancer grade 2,
Describe cancer stage 3
23  cards
importance and role of fine needle sampling
Define cytology 1,
Give examples of common cytologic...,
What are the different types of f...
16  cards
Differential diagnoses for Cutaneous & Subcutaneous masses
Media 1,
Give examples of epithelial skin ...,
Describe mesenchymal skin tumours 3
19  cards
Evaluation of a biochemical panel
How can we use standard deviation...,
If a analytical test has poor pre...,
Give examples of factors that can...
33  cards
Cytology SDL
Describe this canine lymph node s...,
Describe this canine lymph node s...,
Describe this canine subcutaneous...
15  cards
What are the 3 stages of haemosta...,
What cellular components are invo...,
Describe the events that happen i...
50  cards
Reproductive Pathology in the female
What are the 3 sequential series ...,
What is the classification of dsd...,
What assessments are required for...
28  cards
Reproductive pathology in the male
Describe the features of cryptorc...,
Describe testicular hypoplasia 2,
Describe the microscopy of testic...
37  cards
Sick Patients SDL
Wookie has been admitted for a la...,
Wookie has been admitted for a la...,
Why would you avoid using aceprom...
14  cards
Clinical Pathology in small animals
A 5 year old female neutered engl...,
History a 10 year old male cross ...,
History a 125 yr old entire femal...
4  cards
Clinical Pathology in large animals
History a 1 year old thoroughbred...,
History a 23 year old shetland po...,
History a cow was presented to th...
4  cards
Cytology and histological correlation
Describe the features of an epith...,
Describe the features of a mesenc...,
Describe the features of a round ...
6  cards
Pathology of kidneys and lower UTI
What are the 2 sources of infecti...,
What are the possible causes aeti...,
What are the histopathological cl...
25  cards
Focal and systemic causes of urinary tract pathology  
What are the common lesions of th...,
What is tubulointerstitial nephri...,
Describe the features of embolic ...
14  cards
Intro and importance of triage and prioritisation
What are the considerations when ...,
What is triage 2,
What factors contribute to an eff...
10  cards
Fluid types and therapy
What types of isotonic crystalloi...,
What is the purpose of isotonic f...,
What does hartmann s solution con...
21  cards
Hypovolaemic and distributive shock
What is shock 1,
What can cause shock 2,
What can cause reduced oxygen del...
20  cards
Cardiogenic and obstructive shock
What is cardiogenic shock 1,
What are causes of cardiogenic sh...,
What are the clinical signs of ca...
15  cards
SIRS and sepsis
What are prrs damps and pamps 1,
What is systemic inflammatory res...,
What is sepsis 3
19  cards
Options for imaging the ECC patient
What are the patient consideratio...,
What situational considerations m...,
Describe the pros and cons of usi...
7  cards
Trauma - head and thorax
What is the first consideration w...,
What is the second consideration ...,
What are the tertiary considerati...
28  cards
Abdominal and spinal trauma
What are the 2 main types of abdo...,
Give examples of blunt abdominal ...,
Give examples of penetrating abdo...
18  cards
Oxygen Therapy
When do we need oxygen therapy 1,
At what spo2 pao2 and lactate val...,
Why is it important to identify a...
10  cards
Principles of FAST
What is fast scan 1,
What are the components of global...,
What is vetblue 3
7  cards
Importance of Nutrition in the critical patient
Why is nutrition an essential com...,
How can nutrition be assessed in ...,
What is the difference between an...
5  cards
Equine Nutrition in ECC
How is horse ecc nutrition differ...,
What factors should be considered...,
What are the possible methods of ...
9  cards
Enteral/parenteral nutrtion
What is enteral feeding 1,
What is parenteral feeding 2,
Why do we need assisted feeding 3
10  cards
Anaesthesia practical
How should to oxygen supply be ch...,
How should the anaesthetic machin...,
In what animals is the ayre s t p...
7  cards
Inpatient Management
What are the 20 rules of kirby s ...,
Why is fluid overload detrimental 2,
What should be checked regularly ...
51  cards
How to perform an ultrasound exam
Describe the safety requirements ...,
What steps should be taken to ens...,
Describe the features of a linear...
10  cards
How to get the best ultrasound image
What steps should be taken to ens...,
Once the transducer is on the ani...,
Describe the overall gain of this...
7  cards
Large animal radiotherapy
What are the practical difficulti...,
What are the risks of horizontal ...,
Describe the inverse square law o...
8  cards
Fluid therapy SDL COPY
Check OneNote for cases
11  cards
Media 1,
What is the normal usg for a 1 da...,
What is meconium and when should ...
17  cards
Trauma SDL
What do these vetblue scores mean 1
1  cards
Emergency Skills Practical
What is the ideal patient positio...,
What are the 4 views observed in ...,
Describe the process of observing...
15  cards
ECC in British Wildlife
What is the aim of wildlife triage 1,
What are the things to consider w...,
What are the important things to ...
18  cards
Equine ECC workshop
What are the clinical hypovolaemi...,
What are possible causes of hypov...,
What are the key indicators of si...
15  cards
Principles of Practical Radiography
Describe the safety features invo...,
What is the purpose of a grid in ...,
When do we use a grid in radiogra...
8  cards
How to take a radiograph of a dog’s stifle
What are the common views used fo...,
Describe the positioning for a la...,
Describe the collimation of a lat...
10  cards
How to take a radiograph of a dog’s shoulder
What are the common views used fo...,
Describe the positioning for a la...,
Describe the exposure and collima...
11  cards
When to use MRI and CT
Why do we need advanced images eg...,
What is curved reconstruction 2,
Identify the pathologies on this ...
17  cards
MRI and CT of the spine
Describe the health and safety is...,
Describe the health and safety is...,
Identify this pathology on a radi...
9  cards
Upper respiratory tract endoscopy of the horse
What methods of restraint can be ...,
How is a respiratory endoscope in...,
Identify these structures in the ...
9  cards
Decision making for imaging
Describe what you can see on this...,
Describe what you can see on this...,
Describe what you can see in this...
21  cards
Imaging in exotic species
You perform an ultrasound via the...,
In reptiles metabolic bone diseas...,
Label the organs you can see on t...
7  cards
Rabbit wit dental disease workshop
What is occurring in this rabbit ...,
What is occurring in this rabbit ...,
Describe what you can see in this...
6  cards
Principles of endoscopy
Give examples of diagnostic endos...,
Give examples of therapeutic endo...,
What equipment is needed for flex...
22  cards
Bovine trans-rectal ultrasonography
What are the safety risks of bovi...,
How is the risk of rectal tears m...,
How is the risk of discomfort mit...
21  cards
Hock Practical
What are the possible methods of ...,
What are the potential risks of e...,
What views are used for radiograp...
6  cards
Anaesthesia for imaging cases workshop
An uncooperative male tom cat of ...,
Beginners luck is a 500kg thoroug...,
Describe the sedation and monitor...
5  cards
When and why to use endoscopy
What are the strengths of endosco...,
What are the weaknesses of endosc...
2  cards
Immunology review
Complete this flow diagram summar...,
Label the cells and their role in...,
What is the purpose of the comple...
21  cards
What are the different types of b...,
What are the different types of v...,
What is a recombinant vaccine 3
25  cards
Vaccine Considerations
What are the different reasons to...,
What figure affects the ability o...,
What are the core canine vaccines 3
28  cards
Diagnostic Tests
Describe the features of cultures...,
What tests can be done to detect ...,
Describe the tests used to detect...
10  cards
Effective Sampling for immuno-diagnostics
Why can pathogens not be detected...,
How can igg antibodies be detecte...,
Describe the use of crp and fibri...
4  cards
Immune Mediated Deficiencies
What is primary immune deficiency 1,
What is secondary immune deficien...,
Describe the features of primary ...
16  cards
clinical and pathological changes seen in inflammation and sepsis
Define pathogenecity 1,
Define virulence 2,
When do clinical signs of bacteri...
26  cards
Immune Deficiency Workshop
What is the best site for blood s...,
What sample tube would you use fo...,
What are the possible sources of ...
10  cards
passive immunity and the importance of colostrum
What are the functions of colostr...,
Describe the transfer of passive ...,
What percentage of immunoglobulin...
13  cards
How pathogens evade the immune response
Give examples of ways pathogens e...,
How do pathogens evade immune res...,
Give examples of modulators on th...
16  cards
FIV Case Example
What type of virus is feline immu...,
What type of cat is most suscepti...,
How does fiv work 3
8  cards
Reproductive Pathogens
How can commensals control pathog...,
In which female reproductive stru...,
What are the barriers to entrance...
24  cards
Immune mediated haemolytic anaemia in the dog workshop
How could immune mediated haemoly...,
How could immune mediated haemoly...,
How could immune mediated haemoly...
20  cards
Fill in the blanks describing the...,
Why is radiographic imaging usefu...,
What considerations are there for...
13  cards
joint inflammation and disease
What are the different categories...,
Diagnosis and type of joint disea...,
Diagnosis and type of joint disea...
7  cards
Focusing on joint sepsis
What are the possible aetiologies...,
Describe joint sepsis in neonates 2,
Describe the treatment of joint s...
3  cards
Therapeutics for joint disease
What are the systemic treatment o...,
What are the intra articular trea...,
What are the systemic treatment o...
12  cards
Case management: joint sepsis in a calf
Define sepsis 1,
Describe the typical aetiology of...,
What are common causes of joint s...
25  cards
Principles of immune mediated disease
What is the underlying cause of i...,
Describe central tolerance 2,
Describe the components of periph...
28  cards
Foal with sepsis
You visit a foal on a farm 1,
You visit a foal with sepsis 2,
Interpret these radiographs of th...
7  cards
Joint sepsis Quiz
Media 1,
Media 2,
Media 3
14  cards
Treatments for the overactive immune response
What is an immunomodulatory drug 1,
Give an example of an immune stim...,
Give examples of the use of drugs...
36  cards
Principles and changes with viral disease
What factors cause disease outbre...,
Give examples of viral outbreaks ...,
Define sporadic disease 3
25  cards
Viruses and cancer
Give examples of retroviruses 1,
What cancers do avian leukosis ca...,
What cancers does feline retrovir...
32  cards
Cat Viral Diseases Workshop
If a cat comes into the practice ...,
If feline infectious peritonitis ...,
Describe the treatment of fip 3
5  cards
Why is arthrocentesis performed 1,
What sample types are collected f...,
What are the different types of j...
18  cards
Canine cystitis workshop
What factors predispose dogs to u...,
What are the common bacteria invo...,
What are the possible clinical si...
13  cards
Importance and examples of fungal disease
Describe the main features of fun...,
Do normal animals carry fungi on ...,
What are transient contaminants 3
25  cards
Clinical and pathological changes seen in fungal infections
What are the three main pathologi...,
What characterises acute suppurat...,
How do fungal infections lead to ...
26  cards
Prion Diseases
What is a prion 1,
What makes prions unique compared...,
What is the normal cellular prion...
13  cards
Bovine TB
What is the causative agent of bo...,
How is bovine tb managed in infec...,
What is the uk s 25 year eradicat...
12  cards
Antiviral and antifungal meds
What is an anti viral agent 1,
What is the difference between an...,
Describe the ways that anti viral...
31  cards
BVD Workshop
What type of virus is bvd 1,
What is the effect of bvd infecti...,
How does bvd infect an animal 3
23  cards
Treating small mammals
What are the clinical signs of my...,
What are the clinical signs of ra...,
Describe the vaccination plan for...
24  cards
Dermatophytosis Outbreak Workshop
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are the clinical signs of de...,
Where are ringworm lesions found ...
12  cards
Immune mediated skin disease
What triggers and allergic respon...,
Give examples of immune mediated ...,
Fill in the blanks describing the...
57  cards
Ectoparasitic causes of skin disease
Why are ectoparasites clinically ...,
Give examples of zoonotically imp...,
Give examples of ectoparasites co...
24  cards
Bacterial causes of skin disease
What is an endogenous infection 1,
Give examples of common bacteria ...,
What are the possible sources of ...
26  cards
Fungal causes of skin disease
What are the different types of f...,
What skin diseases do fungi cause 2,
Give an example of fungi cause hy...
24  cards
Viral and protozoal causes of skin disease
Give examples of notifiable large...,
What must happen if a notifiable ...,
What are the general clinical sig...
24  cards
General approach to the dermatological patient
What are the most common damnitv ...,
Give examples of how sex links to...,
Give examples of breed dispositio...
10  cards
Dermatological diagnostics
Media 1,
What ectoparasites can be identif...,
What ectoparasites can be identif...
57  cards
The pruritic animal
What are the signs of pruritus 1,
What is the difference between pr...,
What are the causes of pruritus 3
17  cards
Crusting, scaling, pustular & papular lesions
What is a papule 1,
Are papules primary or secondary ...,
What is a pustule 3
27  cards
Cutaneous masses and cysts
Give examples of skin swellings t...,
Describe the features of an oedem...,
What is an emphysema and what cau...
17  cards
What is the difference between pr...,
What is the difference between tr...,
What are the mechanisms of primar...
21  cards
Approach to dermatology workshop
Identify this lesion 1,
Identify this lesion 2,
Identify this lesion 3
13  cards
Herd Health Principles in Backyard Poultry
What is marek s disease 1,
Describe the epidemiology of mare...,
What are the 3 serotypes of marek...
12  cards
Dermatology in small mammals and exotics workshop
Give examples of primary causes o...,
Give examples of secondary causes...,
Give examples of behavioural caus...
27  cards
Commonly used therapeutics in skin disease
What are the aims of skin disease...,
What are the different types of t...,
Describe how emollients work 3
16  cards
Antimicrobials for skin disease
What are the general principles o...,
What are the first steps in manag...,
When should further investigation...
27  cards
Drugs for atopic dermatitis and auto-immune skin disease
Describe the principles of multim...,
What are the treatment options fo...,
Describe the use glucocorticoids ...
19  cards
dermatology cases
Describe the appearance of macrop...,
Describe the anatomical features ...,
Describe the differentiation betw...
34  cards
Strangles workshop
What organism causes strangles 1,
What can you see in this endoscop...,
What is this collected via guttur...
6  cards
Canine pyoderma
What lesion is this 1,
What lesion is this 2,
What lesion is this 3
16  cards
Skin masses in small animals
5yo fn labrador retriever 1,
Label this fna cytology what is y...,
3 yo fn miniature poodle recently...
11  cards
Principles of infertility
What are the types of anatomical ...,
Give examples of pathophysiologic...,
Describe management causes of inf...
27  cards
Breeding soundness examination
What is the purpose of a breeding...,
What key factors should be consid...,
Why is a general clinical examina...
35  cards
Principles of pregnancy diagnosis
Why is the absence of oestrus not...,
What are the key approaches to di...,
What hormonal markers indicate pr...
18  cards
Fertility and breeding time in the female
What is oestrus 1,
What is the classic sign of oestr...,
When does oestrus occur 3
42  cards
Pharmacological control of reproduction
Label the hormonal control of rep...,
Describe the hormonal regulation ...,
How can the female reproductive c...
28  cards
Normal Parturition + post-partum period
Describe the stage of preparation...,
Describe first stage parturition 2,
Describe 2nd stage parturition 3
28  cards
Problems of the newborn
Why is the neonate different to t...,
What are the 2 sources of materna...,
Why is colostrum important in dogs 3
6  cards

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