kaplan mcat biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Ashwin Chetty. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

The Cell: Eukaryotic Cells (HY)
What are the four tenets of cell ...,
What is the structure of the nucl...,
What is contained within the nucleus
43  cards
Reproduction: The Cell Cycle and Mitosis (HY)
In animals what is the difference...,
How many chromosomes do human aut...,
Why are chromosomes not visible b...
22  cards
Reproduction: Meiosis (HY)
What cells undergo mitosis and wh...,
Meiosis i results in what type of...,
What are homologous chromosomes h...
15  cards
Reproduction: The Reproductive System (HY)
What are mutations in the x chrom...,
Why do females express x linked d...,
What is the sex determining regio...
34  cards
Nervous System: Cells of Nervous System (HY)
What do axons do,
What do dendrites do,
What is the axon hillock
11  cards
Nervous System: Transmission of Neural Impulses (HY)
What is the name of the enzyme th...,
What is resting membrane potential,
When the axon hillock receives a ...
14  cards
Nervous System: Organization of the Human Nervous System (HY)
What are the three types of nerve...,
What are supraspinal circuits,
What is the difference between wh...
20  cards
Endocrine System: Mechanisms of Hormone Action (HY)
What is a hormone,
What are three types of hormones,
What is the process of peptide ho...
13  cards
Cardiovascular System: Anatomy (HY)
What are the two types of circula...,
What are atria,
What are ventricles
32  cards
Digestive System: Ingestion and Digestion (HY)
What does the alimentary canal co...,
What types of digestion occur in ...,
What are the two enzymes in saliv...
43  cards
Homeostasis: Excretory System (HY)
What are the structures and pathw...,
The renal artery renal vein and u...,
What is the cortex and medulla of...
35  cards
Musculoskeletal System: Muscular System (HY)
What are the three types of muscle,
What is the difference between re...,
What are two types of fibers with...
38  cards
Genetics and Evolution (HY)
What is a hemizygous genotype,
What is complete dominance codomi...,
What is penetrance
34  cards
Practice problem mistakes
What is an episome
1  cards

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kaplan mcat biology

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