This class was created by Brainscape user Shameem Hedoo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Lecture 12 - Muscles of the Posterior Forearm
When is the anatomical box created,
Where is the anatomical snuff box...,
What forms the floor of the snuff...
5  cards
Lecture 13 - Vessels and Nerves of the Forearm and Hand
Define bifurcation,
Brachial artery bifurcates into what,
Where does the bifurcation of the...
30  cards
Lecture 14 - The Hand
What is the palmar aponeurosis an...,
The proximal aspect of the palmar...,
Name the compartments of the hand
26  cards
Lecture 15 - Muscles of the Abdominal Wall
What muscles make up the anterola...,
Describe the fibre direction of t...,
What forms the inguinal ligament
21  cards
Lecture 16 - Pelvic Girdle
List the functions of the pelvic ...,
What bones make up an individual ...,
What bones make up the pelvic girdle
24  cards
Lecture 17 - Hip Joint, Thigh, Leg Bones
The hip joint is classified as wh...,
Next to the shoulder joint which ...,
The fovea of the femur is an atta...
20  cards
Lecture 18 - Muscles of the Anterior and Medial Thigh
Name the different compartments c...,
List the muscle s of the anterior...,
Longest muscle in the body
4  cards
Lecture 19 - Femoral Triangle and Vessels of the Lower Limb
Describe and locate the femoral t...,
List the boundaries of the femora...,
The inguinal ligament attaches fr...
9  cards
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Anatomy
What are 4 major sub units of ana...,
Name the sections of the upper an...,
To bend or to make a decreased an...
7  cards
Lec 2 - Skeletal System and Muscular System
What are the components of the sk...,
What is the axial skeleton made u...,
What is the appendicular skeleton...
18  cards
Lec 24 - Anterior Compartment of the Leg
The anterior leg is made up of ho...,
What are the compartments of the leg,
True or false the leg has a media...
16  cards
Lec 25 - Lateral Compartment of the Leg
Name the muscles of the lateral c...,
What are the actions performed by...,
What is the innervation for the m...
5  cards
Lecture 3 - The Back
How many vertebrae are present in...,
Which vertebrae permit movement,
Which movements do the trunk permit
30  cards
Lecture 4 - Bones and Joints of the Pectoral Girdle
True or false pectoral girdle is ...,
What does the pectoral girdle ref...,
Describe the shape of the clavicle
43  cards
Lec 21 - Posterior Thigh and Popliteal Fossa
List the muscles of the posterior...,
What is the popliteal fossa,
What are the muscles that make up...
4  cards
Lec 22 - Knee Joint
What distinguishes the knee joint...,
What are the 3 articulations of t...,
True or false both the tibia and ...
28  cards
Lec 23 - Bones and Joints of the Ankle and Foot
How many bones are in the ankle a...,
Tarsals are ___ bones,
Name the tarsal bones
28  cards

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