This class was created by Brainscape user Vanessa Zolg. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Describing the System [1]
What is the law of inertia,
What is the law of acceleration,
What is acceleration
40  cards
Intro to the System [1]
What is the system,
What is anthropometry,
What are the basic anthropometric...
31  cards
Analyzing the system [1]
What is qualitative motion analys...,
What is the composite approach,
What is the component approach
10  cards
Introduction to Kinesiology [1]
What is biomechanics,
Describe what statics and dynamic...,
What are the 2 types of biomechan...
12  cards
The Musculoskeletal System [1]
What are the 2 main types of musc...,
Describe isometric contraction,
Describe isotonic contraction
22  cards
The Lower Extremity: The Ankle and Foot [2]
How many bones in the foot and ho...,
Review the diagram of the bones,
What are the major movements of t...
39  cards
The Knee [2]
What are the major bones and join...,
Describe the mcl and lcl what do ...,
Describe the acl and pcl
23  cards
The Hip
What is the function of the hip,
What are the bones of the hip,
What are the bones on the femur
30  cards
The Shoulder
What is the function of the shoulder,
What are the bones of the humerus,
What are the bones on the scapula
32  cards
The elbow
Describe the purpose and general ...,
What are the bones of the humerus,
What are the bones in the forearm
13  cards
The wrist and hand
What are the bones in the wrist,
What are the 2 joints of the wrist,
What is the tfcc
29  cards
The spine, thorax, and abdomen
How many bones in the spine,
Know the structures on the vertebrae,
What are the 3 curvatures of the ...
35  cards
What are the 2 main phases of gait,
What percentage of stance phase m...,
What are the sub phases of stance...
37  cards
What is posture,
What happens to muscle activity d...,
What happens to the foot and legs...
15  cards
Do people move poorly bc they are...,
What is the fms,
What are the generla points the f...
17  cards
Squat analysis
What are the 2 phases of squat,
Why is the overhead squat the pre...,
Overhead squat obsevations anteri...
7  cards

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