This class was created by Brainscape user Guilherme Martins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

How many container probes are there,
What does the livelinessprobe checks,
What does the readinessprobe check
9  cards
How do you select all pods that h...,
How do you select,
How do you get all pods that have...
7  cards
What types of services are there,
Describe the clusterip service type,
Describe the nodeport service type
7  cards
What are finalizers
1  cards
Cluster Architecture
What are the components in a k8s ...,
Describe in detail tasks that the...,
How do you make a node unschedulable
9  cards
Garbage Collection
How are owners and dependents ref...,
What types of resource deletion a...
2  cards
What are the types of imagepullpo...,
What are container lifecycle hook...,
What are hook handlers and what a...
3  cards
What are workloads what are they ...,
What types of workloads are there,
What is a deploymentset
15  cards
What are some examples of involun...,
What are some ways to mitigate in...,
What is pdb
3  cards
What subjects are there in kubern...,
What command creates a service ac...,
What gets created along with serv...
12  cards
ConfigMaps and Secrets
What problem do configmaps and se...,
How can configmaps or secrets be ...,
How can you create a config map o...
4  cards
Without any service is it possibl...,
What command creates a service of...,
What command creates a deployment...
8  cards
What types of volume types are th...,
What is the use case for emptydir...
10  cards
What logging solutions can be con...,
What resource do you need to moni...,
What are the steps to take when t...
10  cards

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