language disorders across the lifespan

This class was created by Brainscape user Abby Tennant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Neuroanatomy, models of language, and neurolinguistics
What are the 2 branches of the do...,
What are the 2 major branches fro...,
What is the major artery from the...
12  cards
Introduction to language
What is the role of broca s area,
What is the role of wernicke s ar...,
What is the role of the arcuate f...
5  cards
Introduction to acquired language disorders
What are 3 causes of right hemisp...,
Define aphasia to a patient,
Describe features of aphasia in a...
5  cards
Introduction to developmental language disorders
What is a language disorder,
Why do children have dld,
Biological factors affecting dld
5  cards
Language assessment 0-5y
What pre assessment planning can ...,
What types of language assessment...,
What is screening
12  cards
Principles of language intervention 0-5y
What is response to intervention ...,
Factors to consider in choosing i...,
Clinician led interventions for d...
19  cards
Types of aphasia
What are the 4 broad areas used t...,
What is non fluent aphasia,
What is fluent aphasia
25  cards
Formal and informal aphasia assessment across ICF domains
What is the activity icf domain f...,
What is the participation domain ...,
What are the goals of aphasia ass...
24  cards
Cognitive neuropsychological (CNP) approach to language processing
What are the dimensions of langua...,
What are the components of langua...,
What is the psycholinguistic mode...
15  cards
Language impairment definitions
Children with dld,
Children with language learning d...,
Children with specific learning d...
6  cards
Language assessment 6y-adolescence
How is language assessment in the...,
What is the purpose of language a...,
What are the outcomes of assessme...
20  cards
Language and literacy in the early school years
What is the purpose of interventi...,
The big six areas of thinking abo...,
How language is used in schools
31  cards
Language intervention in the language for learning period
Guiding principles of interventio...,
Using curriculum based instructio...,
Integrating oral and written lang...
13  cards
Intervention for discourse and pragmatic language disorder
What is discourse 5,
What is the discourse continuum,
Types of narratives 5
15  cards
Intervention for auditory comprehension disorders and naming
What is auditory comprehension,
Auditory comprehension in the cnp...,
Assessing auditory comprehension
19  cards
Introduction to therapy approaches in aphasia rehabilitation
3 main areas of providing aphasia...,
Access to aphasia therapy,
Service delivery of aphasia therapy
9  cards
Intervention for reading and writing
Assessment of reading and writing,
Cnp model reading for meaning,
Cnp model reading aloud
23  cards
IN S&V CLASS: Group therapy and life participation approach to aphasia intervention
0  cards
Bilingualism and aphasia
Define bilingualism,
Issues to consider in bilingualism,
Cultural considerations of biling...
9  cards

More about
language disorders across the lifespan

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