
This class was created by Brainscape user Sam Chamberlain. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Chapter 1 - Legal principles and international law
What is the definition of civil law,
What is the terminology used in a...,
In civil law what is the aim of l...
43  cards
Chapter 2 - Contract formation
What is a valid contract,
What is meant by void and voidable,
What factors make a contract void...
39  cards
Chapter 3 - Termination of contract
How can a contract be discharged ...,
When is a contract deemed to be b...,
What are some examples of contrac...
46  cards
Chapter 4 - Agency
How is consent expressed,
What is agency by ratification,
What are the conditions that allo...
27  cards
Chapter 5 - Negligence
What is a tort,
What is the limitation period to ...,
Are damages in tort more less pre...
44  cards
Chapter 6 - Types of trade
What are the advantages of being ...,
What are the disadvantages of bei...,
What s an advantage of a written ...
24  cards
Chapter 7 - Companies: the consequences of incorporation
In law what is the term person us...,
What does a company having limite...,
What may some lenders require dir...
63  cards
Chapter 8 - Companies: Ownership and management
How many directors does a company...,
What kind of director is a chairman,
What is the role of a managing di...
49  cards
Chapter 9 - Companies: Finance
What rights to ordinary shares give,
What rights to preference shares ...,
What happens to preference shares...
62  cards
Chapter 10 - Insolvency law
What is the role of administration,
How is an administrator appointed,
How can the court appoint an admi...
53  cards
Chapter 11 - Criminal law
What does the term money launderi...,
What does proceeds of crime mean,
What are the different money laun...
33  cards
Chapter 12 - Employment law
What is a contract of service,
What is a contract for services,
What s the min to create an emplo...
30  cards
Chapter 13 - Data Protection Law
What does the data protection act...,
What do data controllers do,
What do data processors do
7  cards

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  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Sam Chamberlain's Law flashcards for their Hanley Castle High school class now!

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