lf206: molecular cell biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Lyn Hartono. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Lecture 1: Bacterial Genomes
What is the traditional view of a...,
What is the nucleoid,
What are the characteristics of t...
46  cards
Lecture 2: DNA Repair and Transcription Regulation
What is dna damage,
Causes of dna damage,
What 2 general classes does dna d...
33  cards
Lecture 3: Microbial Communities
What are windogradsky columns and...,
What role do microbes play in win...,
How is carbon fixation achieved i...
14  cards
Lecture 4: Eukaryotic Genomes
What makes our genomes so large,
What is gene duplication,
What are some characteristics of ...
23  cards
Lecture 5: Eukaryotic genome — Transcriptional Regulation
Why is transcriptional regulation,
How is transcription controlled,
How does the histone code regulat...
34  cards
Lecture 6: Post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression
Describe some eukaryotic pol ii p...,
What do eukaryotic pol ii post tr...,
Describe the addition of a 5 cap
9  cards
Lecture 7: Post-translational control
What is rna editing,
Describe the trypansoma brucei s ...,
What is the structure of the maxi...
23  cards
Lecture 8: Architecture of Translation
What is translation,
What are the components of the ri...,
Are secondary structures of the r...
29  cards
Lecture 9:  The mechanics of translation
How do the initiation and termina...,
What is the start sequence for pr...,
What are the two types of trnamet...
27  cards
Lecture 10: Cytosolic events
Where does protein synthesis occu...,
What are the stages of protein sy...,
What are the characteristics that...
23  cards
Lecture 11: Co-translational targeting to the ER
How does protein synthesis in euk...,
How does protein secretion occur,
What is the function of the signa...
21  cards
Lecture 12: ER stress and beyond the ER
What are the 5 major interdepende...,
What is the process of anterograd...,
What is bulk flow in protein tran...
7  cards
Lecture 13: Autophagy
0  cards
Lecture 14. Microtubules, MAPS and motors
0  cards
Lecture 16. Cell motility and chemotaxis
How does a cell sense and respond...,
Describe how dictyostellium disco...,
What is chemotaxis
9  cards
Lecture 17: Intermediate filaments and force resistance
Describe an experiment to observe...,
What is the structural organizati...,
What are the characteristics and ...
4  cards

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lf206: molecular cell biology

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