This class was created by Brainscape user Li Xuan Choo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Hemato/blood Physio Pt 1/2 (Hematopoiesis and blood cells)
Name the components of blood thin...,
Explain the hematopoietic devt in...,
Describe the hematopoietic lineag...
8  cards
Hemato/blood Physio Pt 2/2 (Hemostasis and Anti-coag)
What are blood clots consist of,
Explain the process of primary he...,
Does thrombin play a role in plat...
12  cards
Respi physio pt 1/3
What s the role of the respirator...,
Anat note what is the functional ...,
Explain the physiological mechani...
15  cards
Respi physio pt 2/3
Note can write draw out answers f...,
How is ventilation rate and depth...,
What are the 2 locations of chemo...
18  cards
Respi physio pt 3/3 ("Other" knowledge)
note: for this deck of cards, answers are in Onennote's notes
11  cards
CVS Physio Pt 1/2
Role of the circulatory system,
Explain starling s forces enablin...,
Which vessel of the body has the ...
19  cards
CVS Physio Pt 2/2 (ECG n PE)
What does ecg measure,
Using your hand actions show the ...,
Where are the 10 electrodes in 12...
27  cards
Renal Physiology Pt 1/4 (Basics)
What are the roles of the kidney,
What are the roles of the followi...,
What are the roles of the nephron...
24  cards
Renal Physiology 2/4 (Fluid-Electrolyte Balance)
Define osmolaritydefine tonicity,
Iv solutions describe the tonicit...,
Can kidneys replace lost water
7  cards
Renal Physiology Pt 3/4 (Acid-Base Balance)
General info 1 normal ph of plasm...,
A change in the h by a factor of ...,
A change in the h by a factor of ...
17  cards
Renal Physiology Pt 4/4 "Others"
Which is the most important stimu...,
Diuretics site of action i thiazi...,
Hemodialysis vs peritoneal dialys...
5  cards
GIT Physio Pt 1/4 (GIT Regulation)
1  cards
GIT Physio Pt 2/4 (GIT Motility)
1  cards
GIT Physio Pt 3/4 (GIT Secretions)
Name the non hormonal salivary se...,
Name the non hormonal gastric sec...,
Name the hormonal salivary secret...
10  cards
GIT Physio Pt 4/4 (GIT Digestion and Absorption)
0  cards

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li xuan m1 physiology

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