This class was created by Brainscape user Elena Hull. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

What cartilage in knee etc,
What nodes in the fingers in oa,
Menisci are what cartilage
45  cards
What hand joints are affected fir...,
Where do you see lyphocytic,
Which specific lymphocytes are mo...
36  cards
upper limb
Where test c5 dermatome,
Where test t1 dermatome,
What are the 3 joints of the shou...
21  cards
Supraspinous ligament only exists...,
Label these spinal ligaments,
Bifid spinous process which verte...
68  cards
Which site is preferred for bone ...,
Where does red bone marrow persis...,
What is the role of sclerostin
30  cards
metabolic bone conditions
Re osteoporosis what is t score,
Re osteoporosis what is z score,
What defines diagnosis of osteopo...
20  cards
soft tissue
Tendonitis vs osis,
Unexpected cause of tendonitis an...,
What do see here in this previous...
28  cards
lower limb
What is this line what is the pat...,
Is hip jt stronger anteriorly or ...,
Med and lateral circumflax arteri...
8  cards
What is happening here and what a...,
What do muscle fibres look like w...,
Infantile myopathic hypotonia has...
23  cards
Which fibres pain heat,
Which inflammatory mediators enha...,
What is nociplastic pain
13  cards
What are the 4 skin layers,
What is wrong with this poor baby...,
What compound is turned in to pre...
36  cards
Colles vs colles like,
Burst in,
What is avulsion
15  cards
osteomyelitis and septic arthritis
Most common joint in septic arthr...,
Septic arthritis how many joints,
Tell tale difference between chro...
20  cards
children orthopaedics
Which arch is wrong in flat feet ...,
Persistent toe walking can suggest,
Club foot proper term
26  cards
Which crystals in gout,
Monosodium urate crystals are nor...,
What causes a gout attack
18  cards
back pain
What is this procedure,
What is this condition,
Age of diagnosis sheuermann s dis...
10  cards
SKin infections
What are langerhans cell,
Who dies from nut allergy,
Does urticaria have scaling
7  cards

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loco 2

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