This class was created by Brainscape user Omar Moti. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Macro 1-4
What 7 things should successful e...,
Circular flow of income model,
Injections into the circular flow...
83  cards
Macro 5 - Aggregate supply
Aggregate supply definition,
What does the keynesian aggregate...,
What is the first main section of...
25  cards
Macro 6 - Macroeconomic Equilibrium
When does macroeconomic equilibri...,
What happens when equilibrium occurs,
What happens if aggregate demand ...
14  cards
Macro 7 - Inflation
Inflation definition,
What are sustained periods of ext...,
What is deflation
37  cards
Macro 8 - Causes and consequences of Inflation
Why do prices rise,
Why does demand pull inflation occur,
Illustrate demand pull inflation ...
35  cards
Macro 9 - Unemployment
What is unemployment,
Who are not classed as unemployed,
Who are people who are economical...
11  cards
Macro 10 - Causes/consequences of unemployment
What are the advantages of the il...,
What are the advantages of the cl...,
What are the 5 causes of unemploy...
36  cards
Macro 11 - Economic growth
Short run economic growth definition,
Long run economic growth definition,
How does long run economic growth...
7  cards
Macro 12 - Causes/consequences of economic growth
Show using a diagram how in the s...,
Show using a diagram how in the s...,
What are the 6 benefits of econom...
28  cards
Macro 13 - Multiplier
Define the multiplier effect,
Define the negative multiplier ef...,
Explain the multiplier
14  cards
Macro 15 - fiscal policy.
Define fiscal policy,
What can the government change in...,
What can the governmentchange abo...
33  cards

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macroeconomics omar

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