mandatory and technical competencies for apc

This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Ellerbeck. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (43)

RICS Hot Topics
Are you aware of any guidance tha...,
How do you ensure you operate in ...,
Please explain your understanding...
21  cards
Communication and Negotiation L2
Which forms of communication are ...,
What are the barriers to effectiv...
19  cards
Health and Safety L2
What are the cdm 2015 regulations,
What are the duties of a principa...
52  cards
Conflict avoidance, management and dispute resolution procedures L1
1  cards
Data Management L2
0  cards
Diversity, inclusion and teamworking L1
0  cards
Inclusive Environments L1
0  cards
Sustainability L1
0  cards
Market Appraisals L3
0  cards
Purchase and Sale L3
0  cards
Inspection L2
0  cards
Measurement L2
0  cards
Valuation L3
0  cards
Ethics, Rules Of Conduct And Professionalism
What is a bribe,
What should you avoid when negoti...,
What are your companies fees base...
84  cards
Housing Strategy & Provision L1
How often is a local plan published,
What process does it go through,
What is a 5 year land supply
17  cards
Valuation of development property
What are acquisition disposal costs,
What is a cash flow,
Waht i
38  cards
What is the rics motto what does ...,
What is the mission statement of ...,
When was the rics founded
102  cards
Accounting principles
What re the key financial stateme...,
What is the difference between ma...,
What is the difference between a ...
41  cards
Business planning
What is swot analysis,
What is pest analysis,
What are porters five forces
25  cards
Conflict avoidance and dispute resolution
Name some different forms of alte...,
Name some formal methods of dispu...,
What would your considerations be...
15  cards
Data Management
What is your understanding of the...,
What is your understanding of the...,
What is your understanding of int...
15  cards
Diversity, Inclusion and teamworking
What are some types of teams,
What are some examples of team wo...,
What is the tuckman theory
8  cards
Inclusive environments
What is an inclusive environment,
What is inclusive design,
Who is responsible for inclusive ...
25  cards
What is cop26 and what does cop s...,
What happened at cop26,
Please explain your understanding...
27  cards
Client care L1
What is client care,
How can you provide good client care,
Why is client care important for ...
32  cards
Core - Valuation (L3)
What are the three steps you shou...,
Why do you undertake statutory du...,
What types of statutory due dilig...
93  cards
Core - Measurement (L2)
What professional statement did t...,
What was the aim of rics property...,
Which ipms measuring practices we...
54  cards
Optional - Purchase and Sale (L3)
Level onewhat are the four method...,
What different objectives might a...,
What is joint agency
10  cards
Development Appraisals L3
What basis of measurement are bci...,
Have you actually been onto the b...,
What is s106
56  cards
Mandatory - Ethics, Rules and Professional Conduct (L3)
When was the rics founded,
In what year did the rics receive...,
What are the four membership leve...
106  cards
Mandatory - Accounting Principles and Procedures (L1)
Why should you keep company accounts,
What is the difference between ma...,
What is a balance sheet
19  cards
Mandatory - Business Planning (L1)
What is a business plan,
What are the essential elements o...,
What can a business plan be used for
12  cards
Mandatory - Conflict Avoidance, Management, and Dispute Resolution (L1)
How might you avoid a conflict ar...,
What are the three main processes...,
What is alternative dispute resol...
11  cards
Mandatory - Sustainability (L1)
What percentage of carbon emissio...,
What have you read recently that ...,
What are our legally binding comm...
30  cards
Mandatory - Diversity, Inclusion and Teamworking (L1)
What is the equalities act 2010,
What is inclusion,
What are protected characteristics
5  cards
Mandatory - Inclusive Environments (L1)
What is the definition of an incl...,
What should inclusive environment...,
What legislation contributes to c...
7  cards

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mandatory and technical competencies for apc

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