mbbs vi - medicine summary

This class was created by Brainscape user Max Kam. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Cardiovascular system
Atrial fibrillation, Heart failure, CAD, Valvular heart disease, Cardiogenic syncope, Hypertension, Myocarditis, IE, Rheumatic fever, Congential heart diseases, Aortic dissection, DVT, PE
388  cards
Respiratory system
Define asthma,
What is the assessment of severit...,
What are asthma associated syndromes
241  cards
Gastrointestinal system
What are the general features of ...,
What are the rf for hav infection,
What is the pathogenesis of hepat...
334  cards
Nephrological system
What is the definition of ckd wha...,
What is the classification of ckd...,
Compare the features of acute kid...
93  cards
CNS system
What is gcs components,
What to assess in the muscle tone...,
How is musle power graded
338  cards
Haematological system
What are the red cell indiceshaem...,
How is the dietary intake and abs...,
What are the types of iron defici...
177  cards
What are the rf for osteoporosis,
What is the classification for ca...,
What are the types of bone and th...
174  cards
Endocrine system
What is the classiifcation of dm,
Comparison between t1dm and t2dm,
What are the rf and criteria for ...
235  cards
What are the layers of epithelium...,
What are the 3 layers in skin,
What is the function of the epide...
125  cards
Chemical pathology
What are common problems that may...,
What is metabolic acidosis and al...,
What is pco2 and hco3 in simple m...
42  cards
Cardiology handbook
What is management of nstemi,
What is specific drug treatment f...,
What are high risk features in ns...
39  cards
Gastroenterology and hepatology handbook
Ascites, UGIB, Peptic ulcer, IBD, GERD, Acute pancreatitis, Acute liver failure
57  cards
Haematology handbook
What are the investigations at dx...,
What is initial management of pat...,
What are the medical emergencies ...
34  cards
Immunology and allergy handbook
What is the clinical criteria of ...,
What is management of anaphylaxis,
What is management workflow for a...
24  cards
Nephrology handbook
How do you manage hyperkalemia,
What is the ix and rx for chronic...,
What are the causes of hypercalce...
59  cards
Neurology handbook
What are ix for acute stroke,
What is clinical presentation of gbs,
What is dx of gbs
37  cards
Respiratory handbook
What is management of primary spo...,
What are the indications for surg...,
How is the dx of pleural effusion...
41  cards
Rheumatology handbook
What is the clinical features of ...,
What is the dx of gout,
What is the management of acute g...
41  cards
General internal medicine handbook
What is treatment for bdz overdose,
What is the treatment of opioid o...,
What is the treatment of paraceta...
56  cards
Endocrinology handbook
What is the diagnostic criteria f...,
What are the investigations for d...,
What are the ix for dka to keep m...
22  cards

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mbbs vi - medicine summary

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