This class was created by Brainscape user Katie Stewart. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

What are ppis,
What are ppis used to treat,
What effect do ppis have on the body
6  cards
What makes up the upper gi tract,
How long is the oesophagus,
What is the function of the oesop...
126  cards
Where is the liver,
What are the functions of the liver,
What are the lobes of the liver
26  cards
Week 1 HNN lectures
What does the altar plate turn into,
What does the basal plate turn into,
Where are the cell bodies of moto...
158  cards
Week 2 HNN lectures
Where are the intervertebral disc...,
What is the function of intervert...,
What can happen if there is damag...
103  cards
What is spinal shock,
What does the loss of neurologica...,
What are the clinical features of...
38  cards
Week 4 HNN Lectures
What is an agonist,
What is an antagonist,
What is a partial agonist
14  cards
What is the most common thing to ...,
What are the roles of the basal g...,
Where are the basal ganglia located
43  cards
Week 5 HNN lectures
What is attention,
What components can attention be ...,
What is arousal
147  cards
Week 1 GI lectures
What is enteropathy,
With what condition in young wome...,
What is ttg
232  cards
Week 2 GI Lectures
Where is bile generated and stored,
What are the components of bile,
What is the lifespan of a rbc
218  cards
Week 3 GI lectures
What are the symptoms of an enter...,
What is indicated when vomiting i...,
What is the definition of diarrhoea
65  cards
Week 4 GI Lectures
What happens if there is a large ...,
What does fluid accumulation in t...,
What is osmotic diarrhoea
35  cards
Week 1 Endocrine Lectures
How long are the quantities of at...,
How can atp in tissue be replenished,
What are examples of carbohydrate...
112  cards
Week 2 Endocrine Lectures
What are the dietary lipids,
Where does lipid digestion take p...,
What are the main enzymes involve...
101  cards
Week 3 Endocrine Lectures
What does prolactin do,
Where is prolactin secreted,
What does hyperprolactinemia lead to
139  cards
Week 4 Endocrine Lectures
What are steroid hormones derived...,
How is steroidogenesis regulated,
Where are enzymes which produce s...
180  cards
Week 1 RNU Lectures
What two substance pass through t...,
What does the urogenital tract or...,
What are the three sets of kidney...
193  cards
Week 2 RNU Lectures
How common is infertility,
What is the definition of inferti...,
What is parity
123  cards
Week 3 RNU Lectures
Why is generation of co2 a threat...,
What amino acids create an acid l...,
What amino acids create an alkali...
238  cards
Week 4 RNU Lectures
What holds the bladder firmly at ...,
What is the normal capacity of th...,
What type of epithelium is in the...
56  cards
Week 2 P&I Lectures
What is metastasis,
What is a neoplasm,
What are the 6 biological capabil...
177  cards
Week 1 P&I lectures
0  cards
Week 3 P&I
How much alcohol is a unit,
What will the majority of alcohol...,
What can steatosis progress to
34  cards
Week 4 P&I
What is cognition,
What 4 categories can attention b...,
What are the 6 specific tests for...
125  cards

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mbchb - year 2

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